求3檔中18檔< Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface>

008043634X- Modality- Issues in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
008044976X-Where semantice s meets pragmatics
0080430600-Discourse, Beliefs,and Intentions
0080430600-Semantic default and Proportional Attitude Ascription
0080430805-The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface from Different Points of
0080435912-The Lexicon-Encyclopedia Interface
0080435920-Presuppositions and Pronouns
0080436358-The Pragmatics of Propositional Attitude Reports
0080438814-Contexts of Metaphor
0080439918-From Words to Discourse:(
0080439713-Pragmatics and flexibility of the Word Meaning
0080445578-Numerous Meanings :(
0080445772-Shifting the Focus,From Static Structures to the Dynamics of
0080447155-Game Theory and Linguistic Meaning
0080439438-Semantics and Pragmatics Issues in Discourse and Dialogue:(
0080552935-Particles at the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface
9780080453477-Questions in Dynamic Semantics
9781848556508-Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models

0080439918-From Words to Discourse:(
0080445578-Numerous Meanings :(
0080439438-Semantics and Pragmatics Issues in Discourse and Dialogue:(