Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics 2011 (MMECL 2011)


Staff member
MMECL 2011 Call for Papers

Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics 2011 (MMECL 2011)

Conference Date: 26-29, Aug, 2011
Conference Site: Osaka, Japan

Conference Website: http://www.mmecl2011.org

Call Deadline: 18-Feb-2011

Meeting Description:

This is the second Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics
(MMECL) conference. The first MMECL, held in Innsbruck, Austria in
2009, was successful with more than 60 participants from all over the
world. Its proceedings are now being edited for publication by Manfred
Markus, Yoko Iyeiri, Reinhard Heuberger and Emil Chamson.

Like the first, the second MMECL conference will focus on synchronic
and diachronic studies of Middle and Modern English. We would
particularly welcome papers which employ or respond to new diachronic
corpora (such as the Time Corpus and the Corpus of Historical American
English by Mark Davies), or which take a variationist approach to
Present-day English (e.g. Twentieth-Century English: History,
Variation and Standardization by Christian Mair).

The following people have agreed to give plenary talks:
Prof. Mark Davies, Brigham Young University
Prof. Emer. Manfred Markus, University of Innsbruck
Prof. Jeremy J. Smith, University of Glasgow
Prof. Irma Taavitsainen, University of Helsinki

The site of the conference, Osaka, is one of the major cities in Japan
with easy access from Kansai International Airport. Osaka is near
Kyoto and Nara, two ancient capitals of Japan, which can be reached by
train in less than an hour.

You might want to extend your stay in Japan since there is another
conference SHELL (Society of Historical English Language and
Linguistics), a Japanese version of SHEL, between 1-3 September 2011
in the Tokyo area.

Submission info:
We cordially invite you to participate and to offer a presentation on
historical English corpus linguistics from Middle English to Modern
English. Given the relatively long period at issue, from 1100 to 2010,
we would like to encourage broad topics, both in corpus compilation
and exploitation.

Please submit your proposal for a paper (20 minutes plus 10 minutes
discussion) in the form of 300-word abstract to

contact at mmecl2011.org

by 18 February 2011.

Decisions on the acceptance of proposals can be expected six weeks
later. The language of the conference is English. All abstracts should
be in English.

Organising committee:
Jonathan Hope, University of Strathclyde /UK
Yoko Iyeiri, Kyoto University /Japan
Akinobu Tani, Hyogo University of Teacher Education /Japan (Chair)

Contact email addrss: contact at mmecl2011.org
回复: Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics 2011 (MMECL 2011)

Doctor Xu, recently I tries to do some research on DMs in teacher talk. when browsing the wibpage, I inadvertently saw this note. Since this corpus is very important and new, can I use it in my study? Thx.