RANGE bnc的16个底表是否是全部基于BNC口语部分的所建的词表?

今天仔细看了下range BNC 下面的16个词表。看了说明只说了 :Basewrd15 is an ever-growing list of proper names. Basewrd16 is a list containing four headwords which include most interjections, exclamations, hesitation procedure etc which are common in spoken English.
The fourteen word family lists were made by Paul Nation from the British National Corpus (BNC). These word lists were made from the file at Lists 1.1 complete lists (1_1_all_fullalpha.txt) available at http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/ucrel/bncfreq/flists.html
没有说这14个词表是基于BNC口语部分所建的词表(因为此前看了语料库应用教程P136 所说底表是基于BNC口语部分所建的词表)
回复: RANGE bnc的16个底表是否是全部基于BNC口语部分的所建的词表?

Range BNC应有不同版本,你看看你下载的RangeBNC所附的Instruction里是怎么说的,就知道了。