The UCREL research centre (Departments of Linguistics & English Language and of Computing, Lancaster University) is pleased to announce its first Summer School in Corpus Linguistics. This will take place on Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th, and Friday 15th July 2011 (half-days Wednesday and Friday, full-day Thursday).
The event is free to attend, but registration *in advance* is compulsory, as places are limited. We are now inviting applications from anyone interested in participating.
The UCREL Summer School is intended primarily for postgraduate research students (and secondarily for Masters-level students and postdoctoral researchers) who require in-depth knowledge of corpus-based methodologies for their degree projects. It is not aimed at raw beginners, but rather at PhD students who have at least some introductory experience of analysis using language corpora, and who wish to expand their knowledge of key issues and techniques in cutting-edge corpus research.
The programme consists of a series of intensive two-hour sessions, some involving practical work, others more discussion-oriented. Sessions and tutors are as follows:
* Paul Baker Corpus-based discourse analysis
* Jonathan Culpeper Pragmatics in (historical) corpus data
* Costas Gabrielatos Corpora and sociolinguistics: studying linguistic innovators
* Andrew Hardie Designing and documenting a corpus
* Geoffrey Leech Comparable corpora and recent changes in English grammar
* Tony McEnery Ethical issues in corpus-based research
* Paul Rayson Collocation across semantic categories in Wmatrix
* Andrew Wilson Corpus statistics - more than just the basics
A provisional programme is available via the event website.
How to register
All PhD students who feel they would benefit from attending the UCREL Summer School are invited to apply for a place. UK and overseas students are equally eligible.
Postdoctoral researchers and Masters-degree-level students are also welcome to apply, but in the event of excess demand, priority will be given to PhD students. Otherwise, places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
As noted above, there is no fee for attending; however participants will be responsible for arranging their own travel, accommodation, and food (lunch will be provided on the full day of Thursday 14th July). Some links to possibly useful information on travel and accommodation are given on the Summer School's website.
To apply for a place in the Summer School, you should fill in the registration form, which can be found at
in RTF format for completion on computer as well as PDF format for printing out. Once you have completed the form, return it to Andrew Hardie by email
(preferably; to a.hardie@lancaster.ac.uk) or by post (if necessary) at the following address:
Department of Linguistics & English Language,
Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YT,
United Kingdom.
In addition to sending in the form, we also require your supervisor to write to us briefly, confirming that they support your application and that they expect your PhD research to benefit from attending the UCREL Summer School. This letter in support should also be directed to Andrew Hardie, again preferably by email. (If you are a postdoctoral researcher, please ask your Principal Investigator or other research team leader to write in support of your application.)
Your application is not complete until we have received *both* your form *and* the letter from your supervisor.
The deadline for registrations is the 31st March 2011.
Any queries about the UCREL Summer School can also be sent to Andrew Hardie who is the main contact person for the event.
A scheduling note
The UCREL Summer School has been scheduled directly after Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (Tuesday 12th July 2011), for the convenience of students who may wish to attend both events.
However, there is no expectation that people attending the Summer School will *necessarily* also attend the conference.
See also
(Please circulate to any colleagues or students you think may be interested; apologies for cross-posting.)
The event is free to attend, but registration *in advance* is compulsory, as places are limited. We are now inviting applications from anyone interested in participating.
The UCREL Summer School is intended primarily for postgraduate research students (and secondarily for Masters-level students and postdoctoral researchers) who require in-depth knowledge of corpus-based methodologies for their degree projects. It is not aimed at raw beginners, but rather at PhD students who have at least some introductory experience of analysis using language corpora, and who wish to expand their knowledge of key issues and techniques in cutting-edge corpus research.
The programme consists of a series of intensive two-hour sessions, some involving practical work, others more discussion-oriented. Sessions and tutors are as follows:
* Paul Baker Corpus-based discourse analysis
* Jonathan Culpeper Pragmatics in (historical) corpus data
* Costas Gabrielatos Corpora and sociolinguistics: studying linguistic innovators
* Andrew Hardie Designing and documenting a corpus
* Geoffrey Leech Comparable corpora and recent changes in English grammar
* Tony McEnery Ethical issues in corpus-based research
* Paul Rayson Collocation across semantic categories in Wmatrix
* Andrew Wilson Corpus statistics - more than just the basics
A provisional programme is available via the event website.
How to register
All PhD students who feel they would benefit from attending the UCREL Summer School are invited to apply for a place. UK and overseas students are equally eligible.
Postdoctoral researchers and Masters-degree-level students are also welcome to apply, but in the event of excess demand, priority will be given to PhD students. Otherwise, places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
As noted above, there is no fee for attending; however participants will be responsible for arranging their own travel, accommodation, and food (lunch will be provided on the full day of Thursday 14th July). Some links to possibly useful information on travel and accommodation are given on the Summer School's website.
To apply for a place in the Summer School, you should fill in the registration form, which can be found at
in RTF format for completion on computer as well as PDF format for printing out. Once you have completed the form, return it to Andrew Hardie by email
(preferably; to a.hardie@lancaster.ac.uk) or by post (if necessary) at the following address:
Department of Linguistics & English Language,
Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YT,
United Kingdom.
In addition to sending in the form, we also require your supervisor to write to us briefly, confirming that they support your application and that they expect your PhD research to benefit from attending the UCREL Summer School. This letter in support should also be directed to Andrew Hardie, again preferably by email. (If you are a postdoctoral researcher, please ask your Principal Investigator or other research team leader to write in support of your application.)
Your application is not complete until we have received *both* your form *and* the letter from your supervisor.
The deadline for registrations is the 31st March 2011.
Any queries about the UCREL Summer School can also be sent to Andrew Hardie who is the main contact person for the event.
A scheduling note
The UCREL Summer School has been scheduled directly after Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (Tuesday 12th July 2011), for the convenience of students who may wish to attend both events.
However, there is no expectation that people attending the Summer School will *necessarily* also attend the conference.
See also
(Please circulate to any colleagues or students you think may be interested; apologies for cross-posting.)