
刚开始用BYU-BNC 觉得不错 但有个功能没找到
就是我搜一个词 词频太多 我不需要看所有的 如何能随机抽取100个词条呢?我找了半天没找着地方 请各位指点!谢谢!
回复: 弱问:BYU-BNC有没有thinning功能?

thank you very much! The links you shared are very convenient and useful for language teaching. I'm already planning to use them in my next class! But for research, BYU-BNC seems to be better. Don't you think so?
If there're other sites you know that can be used in English teaching, pls. further advise. thanx!
回复: 弱问:BYU-BNC有没有thinning功能?

P.S. BNC is representative of British Engish. Are there any sites that offer user-friendly corpus-based search tools for AMerican English?