AdTAT_Installer Adelaide大学免费语料库索引工具

许老师,我是英语语言文学专业的研二学生,眼看就要开题了,想问一下,有哪个软件可以检索文学作品的句子复杂性比如coordination 和subordination。
L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer has measures of coordination and subordination.
谢谢老师,我这段时间一直在忙开题,没看,老师这个语料库软件是免费的吗?还有一个问题老师,我用那个Readability Analyzer 1.0 分析我那篇用于文体分析的小说,可是一直显示的句子数为1,其它的值也不对。应该对小说文本进行分段情洁,这些我又不会,不知道怎么弄。


  • 《宠儿》.txt
    518 KB · 浏览: 0
The command-line version of the software can be downloaded from Dr. Lu's website and once it's installed, it has no limit on how much text you can process.
老师,我下载了L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer和 lexcial Syntactic Complexity Analyze,可文件夹里没有软件,全是一些附码文件,老师那里有这个软件吗。。。可否上传一下
老师,我下载了L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer和 lexcial Syntactic Complexity Analyze,可文件夹里没有软件,全是一些附码文件,老师那里有这个软件吗。。。可否上传一下
There is no EXE file that you can double click. It's written for Unix-style operating system (Unix, Linux and Mac OS), not Windows. If you don't know how to install it, then you'll need to find somebody (e.g. from computer science department) to help you out on this.