

回复: 语料库语言学的一家之言(转)

What corpora provide, according to Gries, is essentially frequency information - frequency of words, collocations, and colligations.
回复: 语料库语言学的一家之言(转)

Frequency information is essential if corpus linguistics is understood from a computational of methodological point of view; context or contextual theory of meaning on the other hand is the linguistic or philosophical foundation on which corpus based language studies are based.

If corpus linguistics were concerned with frequency information only, it wouldn't be highly valued by linguists at large.

The dominant part of corpus studies in the U.S., generally speaking, go along the computational tradition.
回复: 语料库语言学的一家之言(转)

You could also say that frequency of collocation or colligation has factored in the dimension of contextual information.
回复: 语料库语言学的一家之言(转)

Statistical MT practioners rely very little on rules,and alas, they happen to be the most succeful people in the MT field so far. But corpus linguistics do have a role to play in computer-aided human translation. So the news is not too bad.

To me, not only information we haven't noticed, but also some linguistic phenomena we have noticed but still need a systematical investigation/treatment,such as variation across genres.

Yes, I agree that human interpretation is essential for frequency information to complete a research circle. And a corpus can often give corpus linguists a view on frequency not readily accessible to other linguists who do not employ a corpus approach.
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回复: 语料库语言学的一家之言(转)

I think the debate on meaning/frequency is not necessarily irreconcilable. It should be not too absurd to assert that meaning is closely related to frequency (if we only look at the moment when we define we are in love). If we take the viewpoint that meaning is essentially a probability phenomenon involving some number crunching, then we are doomed to dig more meanings out of raw frequencies in the future.
回复: 语料库语言学的一家之言(转)

2.“计算机”----计算机也是被语料库语言学无限放大的一个工具。其实当我们进入计算的时代,无论是工作和生活都不可避免的要使用计算机。所以,无论哪个学科,无论英语的哪个流派都可以使用计算机,事实上,他们也都在使用计算机。很多 在国外研究语言学的人都知道,西方很多国家的语言研究非常“工科化,计算机化”。


回复: 语料库语言学的一家之言(转)
