Corpus-assisted discourse analysis across languages


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Corpus-assisted discourse analysis across languages

Corpus Linguistics in the South 6: Corpus-assisted discourse analysis across languages
Saturday 9 November 2013, University of Portsmouth

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are working on (critical) discourse analysis of texts in more than one language. It is an opportunity to discuss the particular challenges posed by cross-linguistic corpus-assisted discourse analysis and to share ways of addressing these issues.

We invite papers which:

address specific (theoretical) methodological issues in the area, such as how to operationalise keyness in corpora of different languages, the identification of equivalence and so on
present case-studies of cross-linguistic (critical) discourse analysis research – this could also include work with a cross-cultural focus
present case-studies of corpus approaches to research on multilingual texts
combine any of the above

We are particularly interested in papers which address the ideological, representational and evaluative aspects of discourse because this area seems to have received rather less attention to date.

In the ‘Corpus Linguistics in the South’ tradition, papers will be 45 minutes and lead into open discussion. We also a plan a pecha-kucha style session to allow more participants to introduce their work in this area and, as usual, there will be time over lunch for general discussion of the topic. We hope that the event will be an opportunity to create a community for researchers in this area, perhaps working towards a panel and/or special edition.

If you would be interested in presenting your research, or would like to reserve a place, please contact

As always, the event will be free and open to all but with a limited number of places.
For more information about Corpus Linguistics in the South, come visit us at

Charlotte Taylor & Rachelle Vessey
Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics
Level 4 Tutor, SLAS
School of Languages and Area Studies | University of Portsmouth
Park Building | King Henry I Street | Portsmouth | PO1 2DZ
Room PK 4.31 | Tel. 023 92 846161
Corpus Linguistics in the South