AntConc 3.4.1 released for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

回复: AntConc 3.4.1 released for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

Dear All,

AntConc 3.4.1 has now been released for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

The new version can be accessed from my website:

Videos explaining all the tools in AntConc 3.4.1 are available from

I hope the new version is useful. Note that in the new version Chinese text will always be perfectly aligned in the concordance tool.


Dear Laurence,

It seems the new version is much larger than the previous 3.2.4. What are the improvements, please?

I think a lot of C guys, including me, should be grateful for your programming efforts. Now I am heavily relying on AntConc and AntWordProfiler. Thanks for the great tools, and Happy New Year of Horse!
回复: AntConc 3.4.1 released for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

Dear Laaurence,

Thank you so much for your efforts and share, esp. the detailed online instruction. It is of great help for me, a greenhand.

Best regards
回复: AntConc 3.4.1 released for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

貌似AntConc 3.4.1中还是无法对检索行进行删除过滤处理。