关于Stanford POS Tagger 和 Morpha的问题

各位老师好,请问可以使用Stanford POS Tagger同时对多个text文本进行分析吗?

还有大家有没有用过Morpha这个lemmatizer?我想用Lu Xiaofei老师的Lexical Complexity Analyzer,但实在搞不懂Morpha是怎么用的。:(

回复: 关于Stanford POS Tagger 和 Morpha的问题

Many thanks, Haiyang! Do you have any idea if it's possible to ask the Tagger to deal with multiple text files? Cheers
回复: 关于Stanford POS Tagger 和 Morpha的问题

It is possible. If you know programming, you can just loop over your text files, and call the tagger each time.
回复: 关于Stanford POS Tagger 和 Morpha的问题

Many thanks, Haiyang! Do you have any idea if it's possible to ask the Tagger to deal with multiple text files? Cheers

一个笨办法: 将所有text files合并成一个text file,然后调用the Tagger.