xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2016-02-05 #2 作者 我是水: 急切需要批量转换的软件,将UTF8纯文本转换成ASCII的软件。是要批量,不要一个个手动转换。急求,拜谢,拜谢。 Click to expand... Please find the Batch Encoding Converter at the lower part of the page: http://www.bfsu-corpus.org/channels/tools. Some anti-virus might recognise it as malware. In this case, you should temporarily disable your anti-virus. Good luck.
作者 我是水: 急切需要批量转换的软件,将UTF8纯文本转换成ASCII的软件。是要批量,不要一个个手动转换。急求,拜谢,拜谢。 Click to expand... Please find the Batch Encoding Converter at the lower part of the page: http://www.bfsu-corpus.org/channels/tools. Some anti-virus might recognise it as malware. In this case, you should temporarily disable your anti-virus. Good luck.