About the Corpus Linguistics Summer Institute


Staff member
I feel quite imperative and sorry to tell all the Corpus4U users, especially the 76 who participated in the survey, about our plan of running a Corpus Linguistics Summer Institute.

Given that we cannot secure the funding for the Institute, though however hard we tried, we have to give up the plan.

Hopefully we will have the opportunities to do this in the future.

回复:About the Corpus Linguistics Summer Institute

Don't get discouraged. We wait for a longer time, and more people will come, in which case it is more likely to find a sponsor.
why can't we have a small scale of corpus saloon or seminar whatever the name might be in the next summer? we may meet and have face to face talk about corpus linguistics. anyone that would like to be there foots their bills by themselves. how do you think about that?
Let us see whether there are more who have the same idea?

Drop a note here if you are interested please.