where to find T2K-SWAL corpus?

回复: where to find T2K-SWAL corpus?

T2K-SWAL corpus, sponsored by ETS, may not be freely accessible.
回复: where to find T2K-SWAL corpus?

You may want to let us know why you need it badly.

of course
in one of chapters of my thesis, i use a corpus-based research (wordsmith) into the online scholarly discusions. the data is made up of all posts from one academic discussion lists via internet. these discussions present more features of oral language. they are more like academic colloquium. in this chapter, i aim to hightlight the difference resulted from the medium, that is, the internet. so i need realtime spoken academic register, which T2K-SWAL corpus can serve this purpose. when extracting keywords from the data, i want to use T2K-SWAL corpus as a reference corpus. but i have no access to this corpus. my thesis is due in less than a month, so i need it badly.
pls help!
回复: where to find T2K-SWAL corpus?

Yes, MICASE is good to your purpose, and it's free and accessible online. BTW, it's a good practice to state your purpose clearly when asking for help.