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    英国诺丁汉大学招聘语料库Research Fellow (2013年7月16日截止)

    回复: 英国诺丁汉大学招聘语料库Research Fellow (2013年7月16日截止) Hehe, yes, it's me :-)
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    英国诺丁汉大学招聘语料库Research Fellow (2013年7月16日截止)

    昨天收到宁波诺丁汉大学英语系主任Geoff Hall教授的邮件转来英国本部那边Michaela Mahlberg教授和Peter Stockwell教授AHRC项目“CLiC Dickens characterisation in the representation of speech and body language from a corpus stylistic perspective”招聘研究助理,年薪在£27854~ £36298。 如有各位尤其是从事语料库文体学的老师、同学感兴趣,请同Michaela Mahlberg教授联系...
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    [求助] 国内硕士论文:中英医学界心脏学科科研论文体裁结构

    回复: [求助] 国内硕士论文:中英医学界心脏学科科研论文体裁结构 :p 这个是清华大学等几十所211大学建立的CALIS学位论文库,与CNKI不同。看样子我得找找作者本人联系,或者作者学校的同行了
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    [求助] 国内硕士论文:中英医学界心脏学科科研论文体裁结构

    回复: [求助] 国内硕士论文:中英医学界心脏学科科研论文体裁结构 Still waiting ... :(
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    asking for papers

    回复: asking for papers It seems that Ava-Liu proposed an mission rather impossible. :o If they are all of hard copy instead of electronic version, how can one spend so much time to digitalize all of them. This question has been pinpointed by Dr. Xu before. As a matter of fact, to my...
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    [求助] 国内硕士论文:中英医学界心脏学科科研论文体裁结构

    不好意思,又有一篇国内硕士论文想要征求大侠帮忙! CALIS高校学位论文库的硕士论文 论文编号:2610203101067020 冯金金. (200-). 中英医学界心脏学科科研论文体裁结构及先行词"it"结构的对比研究. 西安交通大学外国语学院. 同时也作为对Corpus4U的支持,特贴上“英文和中文作者的权威性:主语和情态词在学术论文中使用情形之比较”,台湾清华大学的硕士论文(2006),希望对感兴趣的各位Corpus4Uers有所帮助。由于我的可粘贴空间不够,这个有7、800KB的文件我就寄到Corpus4U的Google信箱了
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    回复: 求学术文章两篇,谢谢! Indeed, Laohong is a warm-hearted expert. Up!
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    [求助] 国内硕士论文:中外英语期刊引言部分的对比研究 (2005)

    回复: [求助] 国内硕士论文:中外英语期刊引言部分的对比研究 (2005) So many thanks:) ! Dr. Xiao, thanks for your message!:p Hereby I'm also sending to Corpus4u gmail a RA which applied genre-based analysis (Note: Paltridge's model) to a corpus of 100 medical texts in English and Spanish (25 Letters to the Editor, 25...
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    [求助] 国内硕士论文:中外英语期刊引言部分的对比研究 (2005)

    最近在修改自己学位论文的文献回顾时,发现国内外有关汉英学术论文写作体裁分析对比研究的评述都很少(除了词汇-语法层次,如metadiscourse items,以及citations等):mad: ;最具影响力的还是Taylor and Chen (1991)发表在Applied Linguistics上面的那篇文章,不过问题是,1)它使用的是Swales (1981/1984)的分析模型,2)对Step层次的关注不够,3)对社群实践的关注力度和分析方法存在问题 。最近发现国内有几所高校(西安交通大学、华中科技大学等)有一批硕士生在做这个基于语料库的对比研究。...
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    asking for some papers

    回复: asking for some papers Really? I actually visited this site years ago and found it working properly. Recently I noticed that it still existed but without checking its state when I made a reply to this post. Ehr, a mistake. :o
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    asking for some papers

    回复: asking for some papers Just now, I found all the three articles available at the website of Prof. Wei, http://corpus.sjtu.edu.cn/index.html. Full text of almost all of the presented papers are downloadable in pdf. Jiajin, don't bother to digitize them. :p
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    asking for some papers

    回复: asking for some papers Hahh..., sorry:o , Jiajin. I'm tranferring some trouble to you. Hope that won't disturb you much. ;) By the way, where's the sender of this first posting? Good luck!
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    How to extend the cross-disciplinary investigation of hedges To my understanding, the view of Dr. Xu is reasonable and worth our attention:p . Upon investigating cross-disciplinary variations of hedges and other metadiscourse items, we researchers will have to think about novelty as compared...
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    回复: 自我指称与身份构建:学术论文引言章节的跨社群研究 Thanks; acardian and Jiajin. Your comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. As a matter of fact, I'm not quite sure about directly comparing the standarised frequency of Chinese self-referencing items with that of English ones. Is it acceptable? To...
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    回复: 求助:如何获得有关医学和社会学的英语为母语的人写的学术论文语料及进行相关的词频统计,请赐教 I'm not sure whether this is a late reply and Zhao has already finished his/her thesis. Actually a further extension of this topic was also discussed by a taiwan MA student from National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology...