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    [求助]Is there a medical language corpus ?

    谢谢上面两位! Very helpful!
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    Answer to Asan: subordinate clause in CLEC

    1)… millions of bicycles are in use in Guangzhou, forming a magnificent picture. A lot of people go to work by bicycle. Alternatively, some people make use of buses, which are also an important means of transportation. [ sn7 7-] Countless buses, like huge insects, crawl on the wide roads in...
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    [求助]Is there a medical language corpus ?

    Great! That is very very helpful. Thank you so much!
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    [求助]Is there a medical language corpus ?

    I need to teach English to some doctors who would be coming to America. Wonder whether i can find useful things anywhere.
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    回复:[求助]美国哪些学校有语料库研究? Northern Arizona University has. But as to course work, i only saw one course specifically addressing corpus. 如果有资助,怎么还要考虑学费贵不贵的问题呢?不清楚美国学校对来学习一个学期的人学费怎么算。普通情况下一个学期三门课,non-resident, if you don't receive department funding, 一个学期也要5000多美金吧。不能不教学费,旁听嘛。 很多理工科院校应该也有corpus...
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    Cite SLGG "即CLEC是结构性问题。我认为这是一个致命性(fatal)的错误,使该语料库得出的数据极不可靠,使很多硕士生的论文在收集数据的初始阶段就已经注定那些论文是构建在不可靠的数据的基础上。以权威的面目出现,误导了一批学子。一种母语背景的学习者语料库根本没有必要搞得这么大(ICLE每个子库只有20万tokens)" Want more discussion: I don't really think it's fatla. It's probably not comprehensive enough, but any research relies only on...
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    What questions to ask Biber?

    Thank you very much for the questions! If you guys are interested, i will summarize the answers and post them here this weekend. The sources you refer to are very helpful to me as well. To Stream, i am at University of Arizona. I am not sure whether they would know the publication information...
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    What questions to ask Biber?

    Reppen and Biber in NAU is coming to my university. I am thinking this is a good chance, but i am not too familiar with the topic; interested in actual techniques for using concordances. Do you guys have suggestions for what questions i could ask? They are building the American National Corpus...
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    Where to find a corpus of Business English

    Business Letter Corpus: http://ysomeya.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ May be of some interest to you.
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    MA/MSc in Computational Linguistics

    我们学校,University of Arizona,现在也有这个program. 但感觉还是speech processing 比较多。 Northern Arizona State University有corpus的课,好像是因为Biber在那里。但除此之外并没有单独的computational专业。
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    回复:有CLEC的朋友请帮忙:sn7和pr5的句子 Wow. That is great! Thank you very very much!
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    I did see those. But it says '这个网页已经过期‘, achievement上的搜索引擎也是断的链接啊。--其实早就想问了,我以为大家都知道链接过期了。还是我没找对地方。
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    我觉得asan82给的句子很有意思,是不容易判断的错误。想拿来做dissertation.因为不在国内,6月前拿不到CLEC的语料库。有没有大侠可以搜出sn 7 和 pr5的句子发给我? 全部都能发的话当然好,不然的话发上几百句例子也可以。我想在回国前调查一下这个计划的可行性。先谢谢大家。
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    又遇到难题了:( 错误标注[SN7]

    I'll try to answer below. 1 , it was the place which [ sn7 s] father led her around every days[np6,-]. Should be "it was the the place where father lead her around" or "it was the place in which father lead her around". 2 But do you know the first place which [ sn7 s] planted...
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    Processing relative clauses in Chinese

    'Chinese language study should not be restrained and polluted by blindly following the imported theory and theories' ==i disagree. Language is universal. You should read Chomsky. It's just not convincing to say that only Chinese is different. Whether it is called relative clause or not...