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    请教:Range结果分析中的LIST OF FAMILY GROUPS意义

    正在熟悉Range的具体运用。知道BASE WORDS 可以用来判断学习者的词汇水平,词汇密度,用词灵活性等。但还弄不懂LIST OF FAMILY GROUPS在分析学习者词汇使用上有何指导意义。谁能指点一下?谢谢。
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    求析三句带the way的句子

    回复: 求析三句带the way的句子 thank you for your patient and insightful explanation. To achieve an end-focus may be the good reason to use the structure. (It is really not so relevant to the theme of this site. I decide to turn to it after i have tried but failed to find an answer in the books at hand. i...
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    求析三句带the way的句子

    回复: Re: 求析三句带the way的句子 Sorry, my mistake. The original sentence should be: It worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. In this case, seanxpq's analysis (it =that clause ) would seem inconvincing, for the that-clause is incomplete without a predicate. I think in "the way he keeps...
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    求析三句带the way的句子

    求下面三句的句法如何分析,特别是the way 的用法: (1) It’s annoying, the way she always cracks her knuckles. (2)It’s annoying the way she always cracks her knuckles. (3) She’s annoying the way she always cracks her knuckles. 另外一道高考题:It worries me the way he keeps changes his mind.的句法分析。 哪边有关于the...
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    可以说"increase one's writing abilities吗

    回复: Re: 可以说"increase one's writing abilities吗 Yes. The expert's option is also "improve one's writing skills". My question is: On what basis can we decide that "inrease one's writing ability" is wrong (but not less good), as the experts hold? Experience? Intuition? As I plan to introduce...
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    回复: 如何将语料库引入英语写作教学 很好主意。我在想可以通过让学生观察学习者语料库和目的语语料库,让学生来总结出英语篇章的一些特点。曾经学生对我让他们给出主题句,注意文章的三段式(即开篇,正文,结尾)提出疑问,认为这是在写八股文。如果让学生自己直观观察得出结果,会比老师的解释更有说服力。希望大家再一起讨论英语写作教学中语料库的运用。
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    可以说"increase one's writing abilities吗

    回复: 可以说"increase one's writing abilities吗 The experts insist that "improve one's writing" rather than "increase" or "raise one's writing ability" is native English. We all know it is safe to say "improve one's writing ability", but what would you do if many of our students use "inrease one's...
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    可以说"increase one's writing abilities吗

    今天台湾几个翻译界专家来我校开讲座,在讲到Chinglish翻译时,举了个例子说increase one's writing abilities是个典型的Chinlgish。大陆几个学者也赞同这个说法。大家能否帮我从语料库语言学的角度来分析此词组的可接受性?谢谢。
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    Is it ok to say "settle the problem"?

    回复: Is it ok to say "settle the problem"? Thank you, xiaoz. Using "[settle] the problem", i succeeded in locating more examples than simply "settle the problem". Please kindly help me again to search online "settle the adj problem" (e.d. settle the difficult problem). thanks.
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    Is it ok to say "settle the problem"?

    回复: Is it ok to say "settle the problem"? 请问下xiaoz, 您是如何在BNC找出比melia多这么多关于“settle the problem"出现的句子的?是一次性检索出来的吗?这个Regex怎么写?还有可以在在线BNC使用Regex检索吗?请赐教,谢谢。
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    回复: 求助:如何运用AntConc3.2检索SWECCL 检索成功了,谢谢laohong。
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    SWECCL(1.0版)中WECCL/Tagged Data文件夹里的文件格式都是.cls的。怎样才能用AntConc3.2检索SWECCL中的词如分词(VVG)?谢谢。