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    问“中国英语(China English)语料库(河南师范大学)”的详细情况?

    回复: 问“中国英语(China English)语料库(河南师范大学)”的详细情况? 我也好想知道啊~~~ 以前找到过一篇关于CEC标注的文章,希望对大家有用。见下面附件
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    关于antconc中使用的lemma list

    有两个问题想向大家请教:我在用antconc 做 lemmatized word list时用的是antlab website上提供的Yasumasa Someya的lemma list. 但使用中发现该list中将will 和would算作不同的lemma,而将that 和those算作一个lemma的不同word form.好像不符合一般对lemma的定义。 (1)请问大家有没有其他能用在antconc中的lemma list? (2)另外我在得出来的word list上发现一下结果: Rank Freq Word Lemma word...
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    回复: 李文中博士简介以及最新学术动态 but we do say Hongkong English, right? I think the main point is that he takes english used in China as a variety:)
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    回复: 新人求助!!!希望高老师帮忙解答,赐教 sorry, our library has a copy but its not an electronic version. There is an incomplete version on the following website...
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    queries on CEC

    回复: queries on CEC Thank you:) I have found his email address on internet and just sent him a mail already. but still waiting for his reply. I was hoping there were also people who get some info.
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    queries on CEC

    lately, I have developed an interest in China English and even planned to DIY a corpus of China English of my own. Just as I am getting excited with the getting-clearer picture of its sampling frame, I found that a CEC is under construction by a team led by Professor Li Wenzhong. I googled the...
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    回复: 新人求助!!!希望高老师帮忙解答,赐教 I am also a beginner:) but I strongly recommend a book--corpus- based language studies: an advanced resource book. It is really helpful for me. U can find answers to your questions in this book.