杨惠中, 卫乃兴, 李文中 & 濮建忠 (Eds.), 中国大学英语学习者口语英语语料库. 上海: (即出版).
If the letters CEC refer to Chinese English Corpus, why the writer introduces 'the CEC Chinese English Corpus' rather than 'the CEC, Chinese English Corpus'? I am a bit confused. Thanks.
Any PPT or notes on his presentation on CEC?受我们学院的邀请,今天李教授给我们作了题为:A case-based introduction to using corpora in the EFL teaching的报告.我问了他这个问题他说CEC就指China English Corpus,他说将来要改为Chinese English Corpus,因为这更符合英语的习惯就像British English 而不是Britain English一样.
No. He just gave a brief introdution about corpus and how to employ it in EFl teaching.Any PPT or notes on his presentation on CEC?![]()
受我们学院的邀请,今天李教授给我们作了题为:A case-based introduction to using corpora in the EFL teaching的报告.我问了他这个问题他说CEC就指China English Corpus,他说将来要改为Chinese English Corpus,因为这更符合英语的习惯就像British English 而不是Britain English一样.