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    [求助]求native professional argumentative corpus

    回复:[求助]求native professional argumentative corpus sorry, PCC is an argumentative corpus written by native german speakers, not native english speakers.
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    [求助]求native professional argumentative corpus

    回复:[求助]求native professional argumentative corpus http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/cl/cl/res/forsch_pcc.html The Potsdam Commentary Corpus The corpus consists of 173 texts (2195 sentences, 32962 tokens) of German newspaper commentaries taken from the online issue of the "Märkische...
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    [求助]求native professional argumentative corpus

    回复:[求助]求native professional argumentative corpus there is at least a german newspaper editorial corpus named Potsdam Commentary Corpus. It is free for academic purposes with signed license. You can use Google to reach the link.
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    回复:冯志伟教授--计算语言学家,仅和语料库语言学擦边 我对冯老师在语料库语言学中的影响仅略知一二,谢谢指正。 不过冯老师涉足的研究领域肯定不只是语料库语言学,所以我认为他主要是个计算语言学家。 中国的语料库语言学发展是否和冯老师只是擦边这一问题,还要有请知情的网友一一列在本站以飨访者。
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    回复:冯志伟教授--计算语言学家,仅和语料库语言学擦边 SPEECH and LANGUAGE PROCESSING: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition By Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~martin/slp.html 这本书是计算语言学专业的国际通用教材和黄金标准。对我这样的文科读者来说一开始就像读天书一样。...
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    转贴: 冯志伟,1939年4月15日生,云南省昆明市人,1957年考入北京大学地球化学专业本科学习,1959年转入北京大学中文系汉语专业本科学习,1964年考入北京大学中文系语言学专业读研究生...
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    corpus-driven vs. corpus-based

    回复:corpus-driven vs. corpus-based Thanks, Dr. Xiao, for your response and paper attached. I hadn't thought Corpus-driven to be so strictly defined and corpus-based so liberally. I shall write to you again after the May 21st. Thanks again and best regards, M
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    inter-/intra-coder consistency test

    Hi, folks, I would like to know how you conduct your inter-/intra-coder consistency test. Regards
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    [转帖]ACL/HCSNet Advanced Program in NLP

    回复:[转帖]ACL/HCSNet Advanced Program in NLP anyone going?
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    回复:关于研修班我想说几句 Hi! 这两天正好挂在网上却没见到你发帖子,原来你忙研修班去了:) 有你在其中做事,我想研究班肯定挺正规的。三个西格玛以外的意见再怎么总是存在的,别太在意啦。 在外语界普及语料库研究方法可是件大善事啊!本来万事就是开头难,用各种语料库工具进行研究就更是如此。如果当初有人手把手教我,现在我的鼻子就不会那么塌了!再说了,语料库语言学与计算语言学的差别还是挺大的,坛子里好多人其实已经一脚迈过了the line。...
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    回复:中科院计算所汉语词法分析系统ICTCLAS 不敢当,我碰巧就知道这么些。再说还是Dr.Xu 先发的帖子,我只是路过跟了一下。 环顾四周,你们谁都比我高啊。 我在这里学到很多,谢谢各位热心共享和指导帮助的各位斑竹和朋友。
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    回复:中科院计算所汉语词法分析系统ICTCLAS 为了尊重作者的版权,本来应该给个链接地址的。可惜年纪大了,记性越来越糟。 但为了方便大家,这里上传一个2003版的。谢谢史老师! 不知史老师是否又有新版公布,大家有兴趣自己搜一下啊。http://www.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2006031813120224.rar
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    segtag 0.04 说明 14:09 2003-12-27 Mandel 863评测的结果还可以。想不到。我毕竟才做了一个星期,哈哈。因此不得不修正了一些 bug,重新发布,免得误人子弟。肯定还有很多错误。指出来吧,我送你一个冰淇淋。 关于segtag汉语切分标注软件的说明 史晓东 2:04 2003-10-28 mandel@xmu.edu.cn...
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    Guidelines for Research in Discourse Markers

    Thanks Thanks, Laohong. The papers are very much to my taste. Most of those authors work in C*L, and closely related to annotated English/Spanish corpora. Probably you've already got some Chinese equivalents almost baked in the oven?
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    ZT--The rhetorical power of causal connectives Recently I got the following poster and found it very succinct and insightful. And it said something about corpus linguistics. I'm putting it here in case you may also find it interesting-- The rhetorical power of causal connectives, or: why...
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    Hi! 我对汉语书面语的篇章标记感兴趣,尤其是被Knott称作cue phrase或被Fraser称作Discourse Particle的那一类型。请问哪里能找到过一个相对比较完整的词表?谢谢!
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    回复:第6届中国系统功能语言学学术活动周 It was once said that Halliday might come as well. but...
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    回复:你来我往:意见和建议 谢谢!