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    回复: 北语的汉语中介语语料库可以购买吗? 谢谢。我也觉得应该不是很完善,好像是各种L1 background 混在一起的。但是貌似并没有其他中文的中介语语料库。(好像台湾有一个,但是挺小的。)
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    I am going to accept an offer as a faculty position in Chinese (in a certain North American university). I may be able to ask them to give me funding to purchase some Chinese corpora (if they need to be purchased). 我就知道那个中介语语料库不公开,不知道怎么样才能access? 可以买吗?...
  3. X


    只找到了一篇,觉得没有实际应用价值,好像就是把语料库在外语教学中的作用套用到中文中而已,什么词频,搭配,编写教材,真实语言之类。太泛泛而谈了。Corpus and EFL teaching 有那么多书和source,没有专门讨论corpu and CFL/CSL teaching 的吗?
  4. X


    回复: 汉语中介语语料库系统简介 我想一个原因可能是这些汉语语料库很多都还在发展阶段,没有reasonably 完善的东西不想拿出来公布吧。 台湾师范大学的语料网上是可以搜到的,至少美国可以。据说从国内上网可能不一定能正确下载。 http://www.ntnu.edu.tw/tcsl/SLA/index.htm http://portal.ntnu.edu.tw/portal/modules/mylinks/visit.php?cid=43&lid=217...
  5. X


    外国人学中文的语料库?或者任何地方可以搜集到外国学生学中文的语言的? 先谢谢!
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    Processing relative clauses in Chinese

    回复:Processing relative clauses in Chinese Great. I found it. Many thanx!
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    Processing relative clauses in Chinese

    Dr. Xiao (ask again). I asked May for a copy of the dissertation. But it doens't seem to have anything to do with relative clauses. I searched the PDF for the first sentence of the excertp and searched for "relative clause" alone; it doesn't seem as if the file has those words. Could it be from...
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    Chomsky Challenge: Bird Said to Grasp Key Aspect

    怎么觉得这个实验可能跟skinner的stimulus-response没什么大分别。能区分一定的sequence, 不一定是acquire recursion吧。动物本来的各种行为都可能有一定的sequence. 比如说老鼠吃东西的时候可能先伸头伸脚的。用一定的刺激让他区分出两种不同的sequence,又怎么可以说他有syntax? 除非发现动物本身的行为当中有recursion, 而且recursion象relative structure一样make sense.
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    回复:does anyone have any article concerning~~ I do want to add, though, most of those articles are related to course materials but not necessary the design of a whole textbook, except for Willis and Flowerdew, i guess. I have read the Touchstone series. Frankly it doesn't seem too different...
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    Here are some suggested articles from the two books available online: Small corpus studies and ELT: Flowerdew "COncordancing as a tool in course design" Ooi "Investigating and teaching genres using the world wide web" Ragan "Classroom use of a systemic functional small learner corpus"...
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    I certainly can send it to the gmail account; but i am very very amatuer. The presentation is for a "materials design" course, (not any one i presented in conferences). So please just don't laugh at me if you find it superficial. At least two of the books are available online. Someone has...
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    Some sources. Most of them are books though and i'm not going to do the scanning for you:) I once did a presentation on that, and i can send you a copy if needed. Ghadessy, M., Henry, A. & Roseberry, R. (Eds.) (2001). Small Corpus Studies and ELT: Theory and practice. Philadelphia: John...
  13. X

    [求助] 如何把一个语料库里的relative clause都sort 出来?

    Thank you very much!~ But since CLAW is not freely availalbe, can i use GoTagger or something else for the same purpose? (I want to extract the RC in CLEC; so for the trial version of CLAW it's too big.)
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    [求助] 如何把一个语料库里的relative clause都sort 出来?

    前面看到pied piping可以sort出来,那么relative clause 自然应该也没问题。对这里的高手来说估计这是个小儿科问题吧。但是我不懂:( 只是觉得,应该DP后面that/whose/(prep)which/who/whom, 还有DP DP V VP, 大致这种形式的搜出来的应该是relative clause吧。 请哪位指点一下,用那个software最方便,提示一下我怎么用吧。 Assume wordsmith应该是可以的?下了WS3, 但还是不明白怎么用。...
  15. X

    Processing relative clauses in Chinese

    Thank you very much Dr. Xiao!
  16. X

    Processing relative clauses in Chinese

    Dr.Xiao I also couldn't find this dissertation Wong, May Lai-Yin (2005) "Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus-based Study" in our library's database. Where can i get it? Many thanks in advance!
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    Processing relative clauses in Chinese

    Dr. Xiao, i have a question: 下例中“的”是否是同一个“的”? 1)我的童年 2)捡破烂的小孩 3)不就是个捡破烂的吗?有什么了不起! I feel they are all different. Why do you say that 1) and 2) have the same function? I feel 1) is genitive and 2) is the relative marker.
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    回复:[求助]为什么不能打开压缩文件了? Many thanks! I guess i'm just too ignorant.
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    我suppose大家上传可以下载的文件,解压后都应该是PDF? 我以前都能打的开。但最近的几个file,解压后都变成file caj,打开后变成在notepad上的乱码。是为什么啊,怎么解决? 谢谢了!