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    求文献:‘Contrastive Linking in Spoken and Written English’.

    回复: 求文献:‘Contrastive Linking in Spoken and Written English’. You can search on internet about this Contrastive Linking in Spoken and Written English. There may be you can get many resources on this. So collect the important points from there. All the best.
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    回复: 求助一篇博士论文 The dissertation, is a new kind of academic project, unlike anything else you’ve done. It is the academic project that marks your transition from student to scholar. So this dissertation is requires much research on the subject. So try to study your subject properly to write a...
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    回复: 2014年国家社科基金申请成功且含语料字眼的项目一览表 This is very useful source for corpus studies. So I try to reading this very carefully. Thank you for posting this.
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    回复: 2009高考作文90后超级雷语 A essay should be very unique and well formatted. So try to get sample essay to understanding essay writing very deeply. All the best.
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    求助 相关文献综述

    回复: 求助 相关文献综述 Some literature review sites are good enough for academical writing task. So try to find a best site for your work. But don't completely depends on the service. So try to find a topic from your self.
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    回复: 英文论文撰写与国外期刊投稿研修班”报名通知 Now I am doing a thesis and it is bit difficult to complete. Once I completed it then I will go through this and it will help for us.
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    回复: 论文题目 If you feel very difficult to write this thesis then better to use any best writing support to completing your thesis. All the best!
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    [HELP] Medical English Thesis

    回复: [HELP] Medical English Thesis Study your books properly and note down the important points. The thesis is mainly require a very well research to completing it. So don't simplify your thesis research your books as possible and even try to include good history about the medical studies.
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    回复: 国庆节快乐! Wish you the same and all the best. Try to enjoy this great day as possible.
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    回复: 题目 You can do a enough search related to the topic with use of any best search engine. Do a rough note on the points and then try to write a neat thesis. All the best.
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    My favoraite search engine?

    回复: My favoraite search engine? I always use this great Google search engine to get information about what I need. Even some times I use yahoo and it is also best.
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    回复: 各位同仁,能否推荐一本英语同义词,近义词辨析的好书 I can suggest you that you can buy a best translation dictionary for your use and may be your college provide you synonyms books in the library. All the best!
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    Getting learner data for vocabulary activities – EFCAMDAT

    回复: Getting learner data for vocabulary activities – EFCAMDAT Corpora have been used not only in language instruction and learning, but also in teaching disciplinary content, e.g., linguistics. This study investigated the effectiveness of integrating corpus-based approaches into a linguistics...
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    AntConc及AntWordProfiler 视频教程

    回复: AntConc及AntWordProfiler 视频教程 Thank you very much. This is very useful source to share and you shared it in a very good place. This tutorial will help many peoples.
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    现代汉语口语问答语料库 能推荐吗 谢谢各位!

    回复: 现代汉语口语问答语料库 能推荐吗 谢谢各位! May be the people cannot understand your question. So better to give a brief details along with the question.
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    [原创]Corpora and language education

    回复: [原创]Corpora and language education I was reading this and it is a wonderful article on corpora and language education. I am taking print out and like to give my friends. Thank you!
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    回复: 大家好,请问关于collocations的定义最好的是什么呢? Collocation refers to a group of two or more words that usually go together. A good way to think of collocation is to look at the word collocation. Co - meaning together - location - meaning place. Collocation are words that are located together. All the best!
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    回复: 求中韩平行语料库 Although many parallel corpora have been built, such as the Canadian Hansards (Gale and Church, 1991), the Europarl corpus (Koehn, 2005), the Arabic-English and English-Chinese parallel corpora used in the NIST Open MT Evaluation1, few parallel corpora exist for other language...
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    回复: paraconc使用2 Better you can use any other translating application for translating these texts.
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    回复: 求助:关于CUC_ParaConc的检索问题 Best you can contact them for getting best solution for this problem. They can help you for this problem. All the best!!