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    [好书下载]Doing Qualitative Research

    回复: [好书下载]Doing Qualitative Research 上了 Laohong's corpus stuff 却未能下载,说是“数据读取错误”,也不知道是什么问题,不知 laohong 老师是否能够把全文电邮给我?是否太大?感激不尽!
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    affective stances can be communicated through different parts of speech?

    回复: affective stances can be communicated through different parts of speech? Sorry, I think I may not have frame my thinking accurately in my previous post. Yes, alignment and misalignment of stances are common in everyday interaction, hence evidencing the normality of stance display in talk...
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    Being silly : )

    回复: Being silly : ) I'm thinking about using corpus linguistic methodology coupled with discourse analysis to investigate problems relating to the interaction and grammar, specifically how affective stances can be communicated through different parts of speech as a Ph.D. dissertation. Naturally...
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    The Chinese Pear Stories corpus

    回复: The Chinese Pear Stories corpus 其实,他们似乎是误解了那水果是什么。台湾人称藩石榴为芭拉。
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    请教:Is Corpus Linguistics a linguistic tool or a theory?

    回复: 请教:Is Corpus Linguistics a linguistic tool or a theory? 感谢老师理清利用CL者所应有的思考方向!
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    请教:Is Corpus Linguistics a linguistic tool or a theory?

    初步理解了语料库语言学的情况,很多方面肯定仍不太明白,望在论坛中的诸位老师多加指点。 看了语料库语言学的历史和这门学科在编辑词典、教学等领域中的运用。看起来语料库语言学是一门计划、修正、利用语料库的学问。当然,这是很重要的。语料库的运用使语言现象的解释有了更为可信的数据基础(as opposed to introspection),是基于自然话语(discourse)的。这点可能进一步使语言学步入Hard...
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    回复: 考语言学的博士基本要掌握哪几个领域的知识? 我不是什么高人,也是个正要去读博的学生,但愿意分享自己不成熟的想法。 本身不是语言系出生的,新加坡人,读了中文系,但在中文系时偏向选择语言学性质的课来修。读硕时的论文也是研究语言学的。老实说,没有受过正式语言学的培养,多数是为了写论文、想问题时需要解决问题而赶紧抓了几本基本概念的书来读。由于论文定题为从语法化的角度研究某一种语言成分(附着成分-Clitics),所以多读了语法化研究的文章和书籍。...
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    回复: 菜鸟问题:请问ICT是什么意思 Info-Comm Technology?
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    CFP: American Association for Corpus Linguistics/ BYU, March 2008

    回复: CFP: American Association for Corpus Linguistics/ BYU, March 2008 I'll love to have my academic career off to a good start by attending this conference, but perhaps I'm not yet ready. Will need Tao Laoshi's advice on this when I arrive at UCLA!
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