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    回复: Help i'm desperated now. they are not in CNKI. anyway, thanks dr.xujiajin for his patience:)
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    回复: Help sorry, not this one. hehe, it seems that you are crazy about my "desperateness" or "desperation". anyway, thanks and don't be crazy :D i'll try the CNKI:)
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    回复: Help by the way, i just want to know how she describes the "developmental features" of vocabulary by bla, bla...
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    回复: Help hehe, thanks:) something beyond my expectation was revealed via this search but, i still can't find Wen Qiufang's other articles, the following list is those that are mentioned in the sites concerning "visibility" http://forum.corpus4u.org/upload/for...0219304638.pdf (this links...
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    回复: Help i've browsed through the discussion concerning prof.wen's first article again, but i still couldn't find the other two :-(
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    回复: Help but when i click the link, it reads "error... file not found", what can be the problem?
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    回复: Help yes, from the name of these two studies, i can sense their domain, but i haven't read them yet, could Dr.Xu do me a favor to upload the articles?
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    [Ebook to Download] Reading, Writing, and Thinking: The Postformal Basics

    回复: [Ebook to Download] Reading, Writing, and Thinking: The Postformal Basics thanks for sharing:)
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    回复: Help thanks, i've read all the discussions and learned more than i'd expected from the first article. what about the other two? has Dr. Xu ever set eyes on them or some similiar studies on SWECCL besides the ones that have already rested at ease on this website?
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    I'm badly in need of the following articles, thanks for those who can offer any help:) Features of oral style in English compositions of advanced Chinese EFL learners (Wen, Q.F. Ding, Y.R. & Wang, W.Y. 2003, Foreign Language Teaching & Research ) A longitudinal study on the developmental...
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    Contrastive analysis of DM using comparable corpus

    so where or how can i get the full paper? thanks:)
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    Discourse marker revisited

    so we should study DMs from different angles, but not be restricted to RT, is that right?
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    Discourse marker revisited

    what about" however" in english, can it be called a discourse marker?
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    yes, i can't agree with you more:) the Touchstone series may underline some new thought in teaching philosophy, but as long as it is only printed pictures, the related and extended materials are only lacework. corpus has greatly improved our understanding of what a native speaker's...
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    :( most of the books you listed here are unavailable in our school library, anyway, I will see if I can find some in the National Library.
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    Word fails me to express my thanks:) I’ll be more than happy if you can email me your presentation, since I cannot link to the page you listed here. And my mailbox is mayer123321@yahoo.com
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    Thanks for your information, I’ve read through the lineament of their design. I couldn’t help admitting that they are clever enough to choose a smart springboard, which enables them to jump beautifully and gracefully, but I was wondering whether there is any ground to support this board in...
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    the selection of meterals based corpus study is aslo welcomed:)
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    article concerning corpus and course book design

    i want to go into the issue concerning corpus and course book design, but i haven't found any relevant articles, can anyone who have come across them help me? thanks:)
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    since english is becoming a lingue franca, a learner corpus of chinese students may help us understand more english with distinctive chinese characteristics, thus establish our own unique system of chinese english:)