
In my study, I find it is very hard to difine discourse markers. This concept has many overlappings wiht other definitions like connectives.
Most of 王立非's discourse markers are connectives, not discourse markers in a strict sense.

Discourse marker revisited
本人目前正在写基于语料库的大学生口语连接词(conjunction)使用情况的论文,跟这个语篇标识语挺多相似的地方。刚开始其实也是想写在篇章中起到连接作用的一些词就像discourse markers的,但是发现不知道这类词到底该怎么去define,所以最后不知怎么的就定了conjunction,可能是定义还稍微清楚的缘故吧,可是这样的话,就和初衷不是完全符合了,不过也只能就这样往前走了。我想我的热贴大家应该都看过的吧,呵呵
A set of linguistic features typical of spoken English must first of all be establised. In this respect, Biber (1988) and colleagues have a well known analytial framework. Using this MF/MD approach might be too demanding, I think the linguistic features positively weighted alongside Dimensions 1 and 3 are important indicators of the "oralness".

See for discussions in this connection.