Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech


Staff member
The Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech (SCOTS) Project is delighted to
announce an update to our online corpus, freely available at, on 7 October 2005.

The latest version of the Corpus now includes 788 texts and a total of over
1,600,000 words. We have also increased the range of genres available, in
particular thanks to the inclusion of a number of texts from the Scottish
Parliament, which can now be searched alongside the rest of the SCOTS
Corpus. Other genres include informal correspondence, prose fiction and
non-fiction, poetry, and religious texts. A number of new transcriptions of
spoken texts (conversations and interviews) are also available, bringing the
total of audio/video texts to 50.

As before, features of SCOTS include:

* wildcard word/phrase searching
* flexible ordering of results lists
* navigation between word/phrase occurrences
* synchronisation of multimedia files with orthographic transcriptions
* a basic key-word-in-context display

We hope to provide a more sophisticated concordance facility and an enhanced
search facility enabling additional parameter settings in the next update.

We encourage users to give us feedback on the SCOTS resource through our
webform, including desired enhancements to the facilities and texts

with kind regards,

The SCOTS team