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使用大模型开发软件的操作视频Tutorial video on developing software using large language models
- BFSU Bilingual Alignment Keeper beta: adds line-end markers to keep sentence alignment after POS tagging.
- BFSU Detagger: an updated version of the DeTagging Tool, originally created by Yunlong Jia. Detagger strips off tags in four different formats: underscore, forward slash, angle brackets, and square brackets from annotated texts.
- BFSU Inter-rater Agreement Gauge: compute inter-rater agreement measures among two or more raters.
- BFSU Logistic Regression Tool: performs logistic regression on user-provided datasets.
- BFSU One Hot Encoder: converts categorical values into binary data for logistic regression.
- BFSU Precision Recall Evaluator: computes performance metrics for binary classification models.
- BFSU Spoken Utterances Extractor: extracts spoken utterances from literary works.
- BFSU TAG: enables batch text annotation via API using custom prompts.
- BFSU Texcel: extracts text data from Excel files and saves as individual text files.
- BFSU Text Merger: merges the selected files into one text file.
- BFSU Text Randomizer 2: extracts random samples from an uploaded text or multiple texts within a folder.
- BFSU Text Segmenter: splits text files into smaller individual files.
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