感谢ArthurW老师的分享R中可以用koRpus::readability() 计算很多种可读性 可了解一下其中的MSTTR和MATTR
是chuepeng老师提到的ArthurW老师说的应该是陆小飞老师的Lexical Complexity Analyzer https://sites.psu.edu/xxl13/lca/
另外,还可关注一下Kristopher Kyle的两个工具
The Tool for the Automatic Analysis if Lexical Diversity (TAALED)
The Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Lexical Sophistication (TAALES)
ARTE is a tool that will automatically calculate a variety of readability formulas for texts. The readability formulas include classic formulas like Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and new formulas...www.linguisticanalysistools.org
万分感谢徐教授的无私分享ArthurW老师说的应该是陆小飞老师的Lexical Complexity Analyzer https://sites.psu.edu/xxl13/lca/
另外,还可关注一下Kristopher Kyle的两个工具
The Tool for the Automatic Analysis if Lexical Diversity (TAALED)
The Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Lexical Sophistication (TAALES)
ARTE is a tool that will automatically calculate a variety of readability formulas for texts. The readability formulas include classic formulas like Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and new formulas...www.linguisticanalysistools.org
TTR以小数、百分数、整数出现都是可能的。小数和百分数是对应的。如果是整数,一般会是100以下的一个整数,在表头处标明为百分比(%)更严谨。求助各位大佬,想问问wordsmith 9.0里面形次比计算的问题?首先软件里面得出的ttr是百分数形式,但大部分论文给的数据都没有出现百分号。求大佬们解答~