1977 results of corpus linguistics from LLBA

1977 is the total hits of the "corpus linguistics" inquiry, does not refer to the number of any year. Actually the time range of the search is from 1974 through 2005.
回复:1977 results of corpus linguistics from LLBA

I found &amp appeared many times when i read the collection of abstracts.
What does it mean?

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年10月30日 21时38分21秒 编辑过]

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年10月30日 21时39分53秒 编辑过]
The study focuses on the level
of the noun phrase (NP) & describes overall NP structure, the
structure of each functional element of the NP, & the distribution
of noun subclasses within various functions; NPs are assigned to
specific types based on differences in overall functional structure.
对啊,因为html语法中的&+amp在网页上显示出来的就是&. 问题出在我save的时候,默认的编码方式是html。
Entity references for special characters. See http://www.utoronto.ca/webdocs/HTMLdocs/NewHTML/en_test.html