Computer-Assisted English Test Item Analysis
Li Xiao-Fan
Guangdong College of Pharmacy, China
English test item analysis is a rather complicated procedure with which a teacher of English has to familiarize himself. This paper reveals how the procedure is carried out with the help of a computer-programmed approach, what significance this has and how much benefit it could be to teachers of English all over the world.
Computer Assisted Language Learning 2000, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 43C48
Computer-Assisted English Test Item Analysis
Li Xiao-Fan
Guangdong College of Pharmacy, China
English test item analysis is a rather complicated procedure with which a teacher of English has to familiarize himself. This paper reveals how the procedure is carried out with the help of a computer-programmed approach, what significance this has and how much benefit it could be to teachers of English all over the world.
Computer Assisted Language Learning 2000, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 43C48
[本贴已被 xujiajin 于 2005年11月12日 17时21分59秒 编辑过]