K keping 初级会员 2005-11-15 #1 文秋芳老师新近出了中国学生口语语料库的书,很好,大家不要错过哦. [本贴已被 xujiajin 于 2005年11月15日 08时45分32秒 编辑过]
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2005-11-15 #2 Is that SWECLL? Or isn't it? http://www.corpus4u.com/forum_list.asp?forum_id=75 Why is this posting in the section of Chinese corpora? I am not aware that Wen is doing Chinese corpus linguistics.
Is that SWECLL? Or isn't it? http://www.corpus4u.com/forum_list.asp?forum_id=75 Why is this posting in the section of Chinese corpora? I am not aware that Wen is doing Chinese corpus linguistics.