[求助] 请教WordSmith如何检索tag文件?


WordSmith 4 -
In Adjust settings - Tags & Markup, clear <*> in "tags to ignore";
In Concord, type in "<"NN">" (put the angled brackets in quotations).
回复:[求助] 请教WordSmith如何检索tag文件?

以下是引用 xiaoz2005-11-16 4:53:45 的发言:
WordSmith 4 -
In Adjust settings - Tags & Markup, clear <*> in "tags to ignore";
In Concord, type in "<"NN">" (put the angled brackets in quotations).

Dr. Xiao, thanks! I follow your words, but it doesn't work yet. I wonder sth wrong with the setting of GoTagger. May i send tagged file through e-mail so that you can give me diagnosis?
回复:[求助] 请教WordSmith如何检索tag文件?

以下是引用 xiaoz2005-11-16 4:53:45 的发言:
WordSmith 4 -
In Adjust settings - Tags & Markup, clear <*> in "tags to ignore";
In Concord, type in "<"NN">" (put the angled brackets in quotations).

In Concord only <NN> typed in will do, because the quotation marks will be automatically inserted by the tool.
That's right, it appears that in the new build, there is no need to insert quotations around brackets.

Once a corpus is tagged with goTagger, it has nothing to do with the tagger, but only to the concordancer.

If you still have problems, please paste some sample of the tagged text (e.g. a paragraph) here, we will try to see what was happening.
Here is part of the tagged file:

Learning_VBG a_DT foreign_JJ language_NN was_VBD one_CD of_IN the_DT most_RBS difficult_JJ yet_RB most_RBS rewarding_JJ experiences_NNS of_IN my_PRP$ life_NN ._. Although_IN at_IN times_NNS ,_, learning_VBG a_DT language_NN was_VBD frustrating_JJ ,_, it_PRP was_VBD well_RB worth_JJ the_DT effort_NN ._.
GoTagger does not use angled brackets as start and end markers of a tag. Wildcard * stands for any tokens.