用Sara检索BNC 为什么得不到与offer有关的检索行?


我用Sara以offer为检索词对BNC进行检索,屏幕上显示“No solutions!",且屡试屡败,甚至连offers,offering,offered都是如此。 不知为何?
Could you post some screenshots showing how you defined the "query node" (the box on the right hand)?
The BNC Online is working well.



It appears that your version of Sara is old. Please update your Sara client by downloading and installing the Windows 32 bit version:

回复:用Sara检索BNC 为什么得不到与offer有关的检索行?

Thank you, Dr. Xiao. But I'm not sure whether I can use the local copy of the corpus when the new SARA is downloaded and installed on my computer. Could you explain a little more?
I see, you are using the local copy of the corpus. Can you use Sara to search for other words, or just cannot for "offer"? Can you use other query types?
回复:用Sara检索BNC 为什么得不到与offer有关的检索行?

以下是引用 xiaoz2005-11-23 20:39:14 的发言:
I see, you are using the local copy of the corpus. Can you use Sara to search for other words, or just cannot for "offer"? Can you use other query types?

It seems "offer" is an exception, at least to me. and other query types work normally so far.
Please try "phrase query" with "offer". Does it work?
Quick query and Phrase query use the same matching algorithm.
回复:用Sara检索BNC 为什么得不到与offer有关的检索行?

Sorry! I didn't express myself clearly.The fact is I can't find concordance lines containing any form of the word "offer" via Quick query or Phrase query, even Part of speech query. Perhaps the problem is my version of Sara "SARA version 0.941" is still the old one, as shown in the screenshot (cf. the attached). If it is the case, could you tell me how to configure to use the local copy of the corpus after the new version is downloaded? Many thanks!

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年11月24日 21时36分15秒 编辑过]
The version of Sara for download at the link I gave above is 0.941. If your version is the same (instead of 0.491?) there is no need to upgrade. Your screen dumps show that the local copy of the BNC has been loaded.

If you could search for "offer" before, or if you can search for other words or patterns, it is likely that the index files have been corrupted. which can be repaired by copying the folders for etc and index from the BNC CD to uour hard disk drive, overwriting existing files.
回复:用Sara检索BNC 为什么得不到与offer有关的检索行?

Thanks, Dr.Xiao! I'll have a try.
Another question: According to the Use Reference Guide for the BNC, the spoken files labelled as KLD and KNE should be available. But I can't find KLD in the file
of KL or KNE in the file of KN. Is there something wrong with the manual or with the texts provided on the CD?
You copy of the BNC have should be the World Edition, which consists of 4054 data files. The two files you mentioned are not included in this release.
回复:用Sara检索BNC 为什么得不到与offer有关的检索行?

Right. It's the World Edition. So I could say the manual is wrong?