Maybe you can have a look at this paper:
Distribution of Frequent Adjectives in the Wellington Corpus of Written New Zealand English
Author: Shunji Yamazaki
Source: Language and Computers, English Corpus Linguistics in Japan. Edited by Toshio Saito, Junsaku Nakamura and Shunji Yamazaki, pp. 63-75(13) . ISSN 0921-5034.
Publisher: Rodopi
This paper compares the distributional aspects of the 100 most frequent adjectives in different genres in the Wellington Corpus of Written New Zealand English with adjective use in the Brown Corpus and the LOB Corpus, and also includes a syntactic and semantic analysis of adjectives used in the Wellington Corpus of Written New Zealand English. The distribution of adjectives in the Corpus differs across text categories, and there is also considerable variation in the syntactic roles of adjectives. A semantic subclassification of attributive and predicative adjectives is used to reveal differences in distribution of adjectives in three distinctive genres (press, academic, fiction) in the Corpus.