以下是引用 laohong 在 2005-12-15 21:38:29 的发言:
估计老李这几天在忙着陪来自伯明翰大学的 Wolfgang Teubert 教授。
还在建设中吗? 有关该语料库建设的情况,能有更多的信息透露一下吗?谢谢!中国英语(China English)语料库正在建设中.
...sounds like indexing which speeds up the searching. This can be useful for large corpora.
Some large online corpora like the BYU corpora rely on indexing for speed. Offline corpus exloration tools like Xaira also index corpora before they can be searched.
The files on your computer are also indexed constantly to expedite searching (but you can choose to turn of the indexing service). So indexing is not a new technology in information retrieval.