S slgg6985 普通会员 2006-02-21 #3 回复:Type/Token Ratio=lexical density? Please refer to p263 of Longman Dic. of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics (英英.英汉双解). There you can see they mean the same concept.
回复:Type/Token Ratio=lexical density? Please refer to p263 of Longman Dic. of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics (英英.英汉双解). There you can see they mean the same concept.
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2006-02-21 #4 Different people may have differen ideas of what constitutes lexical density: TTR vs. the ratio of content words over function words...
Different people may have differen ideas of what constitutes lexical density: TTR vs. the ratio of content words over function words...