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SPSS 14.0 for Windows - (160MB)
Download a full, working copy of SPSS for Windows® and try it for yourself. SPSS is modular, tightly integrated, full-featured software comprised of SPSS Base and a range of add-on modules. Each module―SPSS Advanced Models™, SPSS Categories™, SPSS Complex Samples™, SPSS Conjoint™, SPSS Data Validation™, SPSS Exact Tests™, SPSS Maps™, SPSS Missing Value Analysis™, SPSS Regression Models™, SPSS Tables™, SPSS Trends™, and SPSS Classification Trees™-adds extra functionality to your system. This evaluation copy will install SPSS Base and all add-on modules. If you purchase SPSS after the evaluation period, please consult your local sales office to ensure you order the correct modules for the features you require. Please note that this software trial will expire in approximately 14 days and is for evaluation purposes only.