[转帖] 普通语言学二题



1. Suppose you have a student in the class who suffers severe problems in reading and writing. Would you bring the child to a medical expert for consultation? Why and why not?

6. Why did Robins (外研社引进语言学一书《普通语言学》作者)say that “Hitching one’s wagon to a star may prove ultimately impracticable, but the attempt to do it may spur us, like Tennyson’s Ulysses, ‘to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield’? What difficulties did he anticipate for Chomskyan linguists in saying this remark?
Is it that it is impracticable to investigate INTO the LAD, the blackbox?

I have a question that Chomsky takes what a native speaker says or writes out as competence, but is it really competence? To me, it is performance, because when you say or write it out, you perform it out.

The LAD hypothesis sounds nice but seems impossible to verify by means of scientific approaches.
Reply to Question 1:

Yes, the kid should be referred to an expert in learning disability. For more about learning disability, pls see:

What is a learning disability?
What are the types of learning disabilities?
What causes learning disabilities?
