

本人在写硕士论文,记得在某本书上看到,某人(可能是Leech, Sinclair或Sampson)曾做过一个非常生动的比喻,大意是说用通过内省编造出来的语言例子来研究语言就像生物学家用假花来研究植物(大致如此,可能不太准确)。我现在想引用这段比喻,但是遍翻以前曾看过的书,就是找不到了。请大家帮帮忙,提供点线索。谢谢。
John Sinclair (1991: 6) -
One does not study all of botany by making artificial flowers.

Sinclair, J.M. (1991). Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

以下是引用 xiaoz2006-3-14 9:01:48 的发言:
John Sinclair (1991: 6) -
One does not study all of botany by making artificial flowers.

Sinclair, J.M. (1991). Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thank you very much indeed!
还有个类似的,大意是说corpus linguistics好比太空望远镜对于天文学家的作用.

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年03月15日 00时44分08秒 编辑过]
“计算机语料库研究者们突然发现身处在一个不断扩大的世界”,这种发展应使那些语料库的先驱者们感到欣慰。他们就像是从一辆驴车突然坐到了游行队伍中的一辆花车上。”(Leech 1991:80)

Those who work with computer corpora are suddenly finding themselves
in an expanding universe. For years, corpus linguistics was
the obsession of a small group which received little or no recognition
from either linguistics or computer science. Now much is happening,
and there is a demand for much more to happen in the future. This
is exhilarating and gratifying for those who, like Jan Svartvik, have
been on the corpus bandwagon since it was a little donkey cart --
when corpus work was, indeed, little else but donkey work. But
gratification is also mixed with irony and nostalgia. After all, driving
the donkey cart was much more fun!

以下是引用 xusun5752006-3-15 9:53:45 的发言:
Those who work with computer corpora are suddenly finding themselves
in an expanding universe. For years, corpus linguistics was
the obsession of a small group which received little or no recognition
from either linguistics or computer science. Now much is happening,
and there is a demand for much more to happen in the future. This
is exhilarating and gratifying for those who, like Jan Svartvik, have
been on the corpus bandwagon since it was a little donkey cart --
when corpus work was, indeed, little else but donkey work. But
gratification is also mixed with irony and nostalgia. After all, driving
the donkey cart was much more fun!

thanks a lot! hehe

1. 坚持纯学术讨论;
2. 让语料库的新手们遇到问题时有一个方便可靠的求助途径(除了自己的导师以外);
3. 互通国内外语料库语言学研究的最新动态信息。
