Where to find a corpus of Business English


我的硕士论文马上面临开题,我想写business english文体方面的论文。我在网上找了芬兰的Mike Nelson的business english corpus,和英国剑桥的cambridge corpus of business english. 但是都不对外公开使用。 是否有其他的可以免费使用有关商务英语的语料库。如果付费,需要多少(看是否能承受)?

[本贴已被 laohong 于 2006年03月30日 09时49分22秒 编辑过]
You may want to contact Dr. Chen Youping from the Management School of Shanghai Jiaotong University. I remembered that he is working on a corpus of Harvard Business Reviews. It may be of help to your research. Here is his email adress: chenyp(@)sjtu.edu.cn (pls remove the brackets before and after @, this is to avoid spam mails).
Business Letter Corpus:

May be of some interest to you.
Thank you very much!
Besides above-mentioned ones, could you find any other business english corpus, or of this sort? Is there any possibility for Mike Nelson or cambridge to share their corpus with me?
回复:Where to find a corpus of Business English

以下是引用 xuyi2006-3-30 10:33:28 的发言:
Business Letter Corpus:

May be of some interest to you.
the site is not accessible.
Professional English Research Consortium
Yukio Tono主持的项目。
Thank you very much.
I wrote to them honestly and sincerely with the intention to get the permisssion to their corpus. Looking forward to any kind reply. To be lucky or not to be, maybe this is not a question in few days.
There is one free corpus of business English at the Virtual language centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. http://vlc.polyu.edu.hk/concordance/WWWConcappE.htm

You may choose it by clicking "select a corpus". But there's little information about the composition of the corpus except some brief remarks like
"Business & economy Texts on business & economics, compiled from internet documents, 1998. 119,972 738 kb ".

In that case, it may only serve the teaching purpose.
I tried, but the courpus you (Dwhuang) mentioned can only be used online concordancing without any downloading, I meant. thank you!