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Takahashi, Kaoru. 2006. A Study of Register Variation in the British National Corpus. Literary and Linguistic Computing 2006 21(1):111-126.


A Study of Register Variation in the British National Corpus

Kaoru Takahashi
Toyota National College of Technology, Japan

Correspondence: Kaoru Takahashi, 2-1 Eisei-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi-Pref. 471-8525, Japan. Email: takahasi@toyota-ct.ac.jp

This article is concerned with the study of register variation, the process of focusing on the similarities and dissimilarities between register categories in terms of various linguistic phenomena. The British National Corpus World Edition, which is a 100 million word collection of British English, will be used to study the characterization of register variation by identifying their linguistic characteristics. By means of multivariate analysis, the variation of the occurrence of selected linguistic features among registers will be classified. A multivariate analysis holds out the promise of being able to systematize the register categories in the corpus while also revealing the characteristic linguistic features of the groups classified.

In this article, by focusing on a sociolinguistic variable which is fairly systematically associated with ‘social class’ in the British National Corpus, the dimensions revealed by the multivariate analysis were interpreted linguistically. That is, the linguistic dimension concerned with ‘formal style’ versus ‘casual style’ proved the validity of the social variable in the British National Corpus and enabled its characterization in the light of linguistic features. Furthermore, several words which pertain to interjection, filler, modal auxiliary verb, and negation, i.e. hmm, ay, may, ’d, not, nae, and so on turned out to be crucial markers to characterize the register in which texts are used.

Hoover, David L. 2003. Multivariate Analysis and the Study of Style Variation. Literary and Linguistic Computing 2003 18(4):341-360.


Multivariate Analysis and the Study of Style Variation
David L. Hoover
New York University, New York, NY, USA

This paper investigates style variation in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and William Golding's The Inheritors using multivariate analysis, specifically, cluster analysis of the frequencies of frequent words. Baseline tests on a corpus including these and four other novels show that traditional authorship attribution techniques correctly distinguish all sections of each novel from all sections of the other five and correctly cluster all sections of each novel. They are also very successful in distinguishing the section of Nineteen Eighty-Four that purports to be a political tract by Emmanuel Goldstein from the rest of the novel. They are less successful in distinguishing the style of the final chapter of The Inheritors, where critics have argued that a sudden shift of point of view leads to a radical variation in style. The nature of this stylistic variation suggests a modification in the way that frequent words are selected for analysis―a modification that gives improved results for both novels and sharply distinguishes the final chapter from the rest of The Inheritors. A further test of the modified technique on an unusual section of The Picture of Dorian Gray suggests that it may be more widely useful in studies of style variation.

+ Correspondence: David L. Hoover, Department of English, New York University, 19 University Place, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003, USA. E-mail: david.hoover@nyu.edu
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Biber, D. 1995. Dimensions of Register Variation: A Cross-linguistic Comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Biber, D., S. Conrad, R. Reppen, P. Byrd, & M. Helt. 2002. ‘Speaking and writing in the university: A multidimensional comparison’. TESOL Quarterly 36(1): 9-48.
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1.Besnier, N. 1988. ‘The linguistic relationships of spoken and written Nukulaelae registers’. Language 64: 707-736.
2.Biber, D., S. Conrad, R. Reppen, P. Byrd, & M. Helt. 2002. ‘Speaking and writing in the university: A multidimensional comparison’. TESOL Quarterly 36(1): 9-48.
3.Biber, D. and E. Finegan. 1994b. ‘Multi-dimensional analyses of authors’ style: some case studies front he eighteen century’ in D. Ross and D. Brink (eds.) Research in Humanities Computing 3, pp. 3-17. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4.Connor-Linton, J. 1988. ‘Author’s style and world-view in nuclear discourse: a quantitative analysis’. Multilingual 7: 95-132.
5.Watson, G. 1994. ‘A multidimensional analysis of style in Mudrooroo Nyoongah’s prose works’. Text 14(2): 239-85.
6。Biber, D. 1991. ‘Oral and literate characteristics of selected primary school reading materials’. Text 11: 73-96.

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Biber, D., S. Conrad, R. Reppen, P. Byrd, & M. Helt. 2002. ‘Speaking and writing in the university: A multidimensional comparison’. TESOL Quarterly 36(1): 9-48.
