论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary


我现在在准备本科毕业,论文题目是:on the word frequency of english vocabulary,我向来喜欢翻译而对词汇学不太感兴趣,可是老师硬是让我写这个题目,各位老师可能帮帮我呀?下面是我苦想的 outline,谢谢了!
On the Word Frequency of English vocabulary
0.Introduction: why the author wants to write this paper
1. The Word Frequency of English vocabulary
1.1 Brief explanation to word frequency.
1.2 Corpus
1.3 Features
1.3.1 close relation to register
1.3.2 cultural background
2. Application to English teaching
2.1 the compile of English textbooks
2.2 the decision of English teaching strategies
2.3the improvement of English testing methods

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年04月25日 08时35分14秒 编辑过]

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年04月27日 09时34分36秒 编辑过]

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年04月27日 09时37分24秒 编辑过]
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary


比较一下新四六级大纲词汇和汉语水平考试的词汇。两者都是为foreign/second language learner所选。研究的角度可以是两者选词的异同,文化上的差异,学生学习上的困难等等等等。这个题目当硕士论文来做也够了。
学校给的题目是死的,不允许我换,我也给老师说过可他说不写就别想毕业!!Oh,my god!!help! help!
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

以下是引用 wangqingbo2006-4-25 8:31:56 的发言:
学校给的题目是死的,不允许我换,我也给老师说过可他说不写就别想毕业!!Oh,my god!!help! help!


一个workaround是你还是用学校给的题目,但是在实际操作时将词表具体到某个特定的领域。其它需要考虑的具体问题是还有汉语的词频表。据我所知,公开的汉语词频表好像仍是85年北语做的那个。HSK词表只是分了级,但没有具体的频率信息。你要和汉语的比,先得找一张reference list才行。

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年04月26日 05时11分30秒 编辑过]
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

Here we have access to some free online corpora that are presented by Dr. Xu Jiajin. Cheers!
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

Frequency is often considered one of the most important advantages of using corpora, but it is also the motivation for criticism of the corpus-based approach from language pedagogy researchers. For example, Cook (1998: 61) argues that corpus data impoverishes language learning by giving undue prominence to what is simply frequent at the expense of rarer but more effective or salient expressions. Nevertheless, it can also be argued reasonably that:

on the contrary, using corpus data not only increases the chances of learners being confronted with relatively infrequent instances of language use, but also of their being able to see in what way such uses are atypical, in what contexts they do appear, and how they fit in with the pattern of more prototypical uses. (Osborne 2001: 486)

This view is echoed by Goethals (2003: 424), who argues that ‘frequency ranking will be a parameter for sequencing and grading learning materials’ because ‘[f]requency is a measure of probability of usefulness’ and ‘[h]igh-frequency words constitute a core vocabulary that is useful above the incidental choice of text of one teacher or textbook author.’ Hunston (2002:194-195) observes that ‘items which are important though infrequent seem to be those that echo texts which have a high cultural value’, though in many cases ‘cultural salience is not clearly at odds with frequency.’ While frequency information is readily available from corpora, no corpus linguist has ever argued that the most frequent is most important. On the contrary, Kennedy (1998: 290) argues that frequency ‘should be only one of the criteria used to influence instruction’ and that ‘[t]he facts about language and language use which emerge from corpus analyses should never be allowed to become a burden for pedagogy.’ As such, raw frequency data is often adjusted for use in a syllabus, as reported in Renouf (1987: 168). It would be inappropriate, therefore, for language teachers, syllabus designers, and materials writers to ignore ‘compelling frequency evidence already available’, as pointed out by Leech (1997b: 16), who argues that:

Whatever the imperfections of the simple equation ‘most frequent’ = ‘most important to learn’, it is difficult to deny that frequency information becoming available from corpora has an important empirical input to language learning materials.

The following two papers, as well as the references cited therein, may also be of help to you.

Word frequency and word difficulty:

Evidence-based selection of word frequency lists:
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

以下是引用 wangqingbo2006-4-26 10:27:34 的发言:

在你的outline里不是有:comparison with Chinese word frequency吗?
My advice is to focus on English vocabulary, dropping the discussion of Chinese. Also establish a link between your study and Paul Nation's work.
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

以下是引用 cncorpus2006-4-26 21:32:24 的发言:
以下是引用 wangqingbo2006-4-26 10:27:34 的发言:

在你的outline里不是有:comparison with Chinese word frequency吗?
On the Word Frequency of English vocabulary
0.Introduction: why the author wants to write this paper
1. The Word Frequency of English vocabulary
1.1 Brief explanation to word frequency.
1.2 Corpus
1.3 Features
1.3.1 close relation to register
1.3.2 cultural background
2. Application to English teaching
2.1 the compile of English textbooks
2.2 the decision of English teaching strategies
2.3the improvement of English testing methods

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年04月27日 09时39分04秒 编辑过]
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

以下是引用 xiaoz2006-4-26 21:35:30 的发言:
My advice is to focus on English vocabulary, dropping the discussion of Chinese. Also establish a link between your study and Paul Nation's work.
I know and now I revised my outline. Can you have a look at it and give me more advice? Thanks a lot!
On the Word Frequency of English vocabulary
0.Introduction: why the author wants to write this paper
1. The Word Frequency of English vocabulary
1.1 Brief explanation to word frequency.
1.2 Corpus
1.3 Features
1.3.1 close relation to register
1.3.2 cultural background
2. Application to English teaching
2.1 the compile of English textbooks
2.2 the decision of English teaching strategies
2.3the improvement of English testing methods

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年04月27日 09时38分30秒 编辑过]
The outline is not clear what you will discuss in each section. You'd better include a paragraph showing what you will talk about in each each for us to provide more useful feedback.
回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

以下是引用 xiaoz2006-4-27 21:40:25 的发言:
The outline is not clear what you will discuss in each section. You'd better include a paragraph showing what you will talk about in each each for us to provide more useful feedback.
you mean more introductions or explanations? thanks!