求助:LCMC两种"的":的b vs 的u


的b / 的u

那些_r 一向_d 以_p 坚固_a 耐久_a 、_w 不_d 招风_v 惹_v 眼_n 为_c 守则_n 的_b人们_k 也_c 有滋有味_l 地_j 打扮_n 起来_u

其中 有 小学生 , 有 工人 , 也 有 农民 , 大都 是 不 懂 计算机 的u 人 。


[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年05月23日 18时07分03秒 编辑过]
The LCMC tagset
a adjective
ad adjective as adverbial
ag adjective morpheme
an adjective with nominal function
b non-predicate adjective
bg non-predicate adjective morpheme
c conjunction
cg conjunction morpheme
d adverb
dg adverb morpheme
e interjection
ew sentential punctuation
f directional locality
fg locality morpheme
g morpheme
h prefix
i idiom
j abbreviation
k suffix
l fixed expressions
m numeral
mg numeric morpheme
n common noun
ng noun morpheme
nr personal name
ns place name
nt organization name
nx nominal character string
nz other proper noun
o onomatopoeia
p preposition
pg preposition morpheme
q classifier
qg classifier morpheme
r pronoun
rg pronoun morpheme
s space word
t time word
tg time word morpheme
u auxiliary
v verb
vd verb as adverbial
vg verb morpheme
vn verb with nominal function
w symbol and non-sentential punctuation
x unclassified items
y modal particle
yg modal particle morpheme
z descriptive
zg descriptive morpheme
This is a problem with the tagger ICTCLAS. It tags de either as u (auxiliary) or b (qubie ci, adjectival modifiers). de tagged as b is supposed to always appear in a modifying structure of a head noun. But de as u appears to have other functions in addition.