Well-known spoken corpora
(based on the summary of “Well-known and influential corpora: A survey” at http://bowland-files.lancs.ac.uk/corplang/cbls/corpora.asp)
The Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language
The British Academic Spoken English corpus
The Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of Discourse in English
The Corpus of Professional Spoken American English
The Hong Kong Corpus of Conversational English
The Intonational Variation in English Corpus
The Limerick corpus of Irish English
The London-Lund Corpus
The Longman British Spoken Corpus
The Longman Spoken American Corpus
The Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
The Saarbrücken Corpus of Spoken English
The Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English
The Spoken Corpus of the Survey of English Dialects
The Switchboard Corpus
The Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English
(based on the summary of “Well-known and influential corpora: A survey” at http://bowland-files.lancs.ac.uk/corplang/cbls/corpora.asp)
The Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language
The British Academic Spoken English corpus
The Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of Discourse in English
The Corpus of Professional Spoken American English
The Hong Kong Corpus of Conversational English
The Intonational Variation in English Corpus
The Limerick corpus of Irish English
The London-Lund Corpus
The Longman British Spoken Corpus
The Longman Spoken American Corpus
The Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
The Saarbrücken Corpus of Spoken English
The Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English
The Spoken Corpus of the Survey of English Dialects
The Switchboard Corpus
The Wellington Corpus of Spoken New Zealand English