a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?


发现中国学生非常喜欢“a coin has two sides ”的说法,正确的地道的表达应该有哪些呢?请您献计。谢谢。
a coin has two sides 本来就是很地道的英语,只不过是中国学生overuse了而已。
谢谢您的回答,但按照我的理解,好像还有更地道的。They are :????
(而很少听到老外讲“a coin has two sides”. )
回复:a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?

以下是引用 chtty2006-7-24 21:00:09 的发言:
谢谢您的回答,但按照我的理解,好像还有更地道的。They are :????
(而很少听到老外讲“a coin has two sides”. )

This is a nice case of using formulaic expressions by native and non-native speakers.
I'm no expert here (nor a native speaker) but I think the more typical uses are:

1) The other side of the coin....(with or without a copula);
2) The flip side of the coin is...;
3) Every coin has a flip side;
4) two sides of the same coin;
5) X is just one side of the (Y) coin: e.g. Bad diet is just one side of the obesity coin.

Indeed it's rare to hear the expression "a coin has two sides"; it doesn't really sound
very creative.

---------some examples from the BNC------

special sort of vision on Dutch artists? The reverse of the coin is internationalism, a feature,
you might be interested to hear the other side of the coin. As an individual who worked for over
image. But there is also the flip side of the coin. Customers return because they feel food about
police systems therefore requires an analysis of both sides of the coin, to explore how anti-stru
As both composer and critic he touched both sides of the coin: A climate of receptivity is what t
some cases, quasi-corporatist; on the other side of the coin, they enable extremist minorities to
throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination. Hi
may be true in general, but the other side of the coin is that Britain expects change in return,
, as against 554 in 1920. The other side of the coin was the increasing subjection in 1922 of the
is a particularly gruelling one. The other side of the coin is that it is very satisfying and rew
private property and exploitation are just two sides of the same coin, is a central proposition o
a strain. But there was a flip side to the coin. When she was dressed and made up and prepared fo
" cart. And she glimpsed the flip side of the coin: clusters of caravans where the "poor whites" l
in analytical terms, in fact opposite sides of the same coin. They deserve our attention not only
types of blood were perceived as two sides of the same coin: on the one side positive male blood
kinship ties. These were the two sides of the same coin which I referred to at the beginning of t
dogs healthy into old age has considerable advantages. But every coin has a flip side; although w

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年07月25日 01时07分00秒 编辑过]
回复: a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?

学生确有overuse "A coin has two sides" 的现象.
回复: a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?

回复: a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?

回复: a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?

回复: a coin has two sides 的更地道的表达该是什么?
