怎么才能让wordsmith tools 4.0 忽略语法标注

Russian_AJ0 Official_NN1 Defends_VVZ Trial_NN1 of_PRF Former_DT0 Yukos_NN2
Chief_NN1 A_ZZ0 Russian_AJ0 cabinet_NN1 minister_NN1 says_VVZ the_AT0
trial_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0 former_DT0 chief_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0 Yukos_NP0 oil_NN1
company_NN1 is_VBZ proceeding_VVG correctly_AV0 within_PRP Russia_NP0 's_POS
legal_AJ0 system_NN1 ._.
The_AT0 official_NN1 ,_, Defense_NN1 Minister_NN1 Sergei_NP0 Ivanov_NP0 ,_,
discussed_VVD the_AT0 case_NN1 at_PRP a_AT0 London_NP0 news_NN1 conference_NN1
Mr._NNS Ivanov_NP0 was_VBD asked_VVN why_AVQ Russia_NP0 should_VM0 be_VBI
considered_VVN a_AT0 serious_AJ0 democratic_AJ0 partner_NN1 of_PRF the_AT0
west_NN1 at_PRP the_AT0 same_DT0 time_NN1 it_PNP tries_VVZ former_DT0
Yukos_NN2 oil_NN1 chief_NN1 ,_, Mikhail_NP0 Khodorkovsky_NP0 ,_, on_PRP
charges_NN2 of_PRF tax_NN1 evasion_NN1 and_CJC fraud_NN1 ._.
Critics_NN2 say_VVB Mr._NNS Khodorkovsky_NP0 is_VBZ being_VBG prosecuted_VVN
because_CJS he_PNP supported_VVD opposition_NN1 politicians_NN2 ._.
Mr._NNS Ivanov_NP0 speaking_VVG through_PRP interpreter_NN1 told_VVD
reporter_NN1 there_EX0 are_VBB different_AJ0 understandings_NN2 of_PRF
democracy_NN1 between_PRP the_AT0 East_NN1 and_CJC the_AT0 West_NN1 ._.
"_" I_PNP believe_VVB the_AT0 notion_NN1 of_PRF democracy_NN1 have_VHB
utmost_AJ0 in_PRP your_DPS mind_NN1 is_VBZ your_DPS own_DT0 notion_NN1 of_PRF
democracy_NN1 in_PRP the_AT0 west_NN1 ._.
If_CJS there_EX0 is_VBZ such_PRP21 as_PRP22 thing_NN1 as_CJS western_AJ0
democracy_NN1 ,_, there_EX0 should_VM0 also_AV0 be_VBI eastern_AJ0
democracy_NN1 ._.
I_PNP believe_VVB the_AT0 theme_NN1 which_DTQ matters_VVZ greatly_AV0 here_AV0
about_PRP democracy_NN1 is_VBZ the_AT0 full_AJ0 compliance_NN1 with_PRP
the_AT0 laws_NN2 and_CJC the_AT0 constitution_NN1 in_PRP effect_NN1 in_PRP
Russia_NP0 ._. "_"
Mr._NNS Ivanov_NP0 said_VVD the_AT0 Khodorkovsky_AJ0 case_NN1 deals_VVZ
with_PRP alleged_AJ0 criminal_AJ0 activity_NN1 ,_, not_XX0 supposed_VVN
violations_NN2 of_PRF democratic_AJ0 principles_NN2 or_CJC human_AJ0
rights_NN2 ._.
"_" As_CJS31 far_CJS32 as_CJS33 I_PNP know_VVB ,_, such_DT0 criminal_AJ0
charges_NN2 are_VBB more_AV0 often_AV0 than_CJS not_XX0 pressed_VVN as_AV021
well_AV022 against_PRP these_DT0 quarters_NN2 [_( accused_VVN ]_)
also_AV0 in_PRP the_AT0 well-developed_AJ0 western_AJ0 democracies._NN0
Mr._NNS Ivanov_NP0 spoke_VVD with_PRP reporters_NN2 following_VVG talks_NN2
in_PRP London_NP0 on_PRP defense-related_AJ0 issues_NN2 with_PRP his_DPS
British_AJ0 counterpart_NN1 ,_, Geoff_NP0 Hoon_NP0 ._.
Michael_NP0 Drudge_NP0 ,_, VOA_NP0 news_NN1 ,_, London_NP0 ._.
I have worked it out. I chose the adjust setting submenu and then, in the markup ti ignore checkbox, I keyed in "__". Fortunately, th eproblem was solved.
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回复: Re: 怎么才能让wordsmith tools 4.0 忽略语法标注

Tag to ignore: _*

I have worked it out. I chose the adjust setting submenu and then, in the markup ti ignore checkbox, I keyed in "__". Fortunately, th eproblem was solved.