[ZT] Tools for lexicographic use of parallel and comparable corpora


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Tools for lexicographic use of parallel and comparable corpora

Short summary:

First of all there do not seem to be many lexicographic projects that use
parallel/comparable corpora. Raphael Salkie pointed me to the Dictionnaire
canadien bilingue for which parallel corpora where used (back in 1996).
There are papers talking about the use of parallel/comparable corpora in
dictionary building (e.g. Corréard (2005) and Krishnamurthy (2005)) but
there are no projects mentioned explicitly. The main problem seems to be
the lack of "clean", suitable data in reasonable quantities (pointed out
by several people). Adam Kilgarriff and his team used monolingual corpora
and his SketchEngine for bilingual lexicography (English-Irish) (which is
a step towards using comparable corpora I believe) but he points out that
"... we're a fair way off from `bilingual word sketches' ...". Lieve
Macken reminded me that the topic is close related to multi-lingual
terminology extraction end there is, of course, a rich literature about it
(some references below).

Here are some pointers I got about available tools:

ParaConc: a commercial parallel concordancer (athel.com)
There is an online implementation of the Vanilla-aligner at
http://www2.lael.pucsp.br/corpora/alinhador/index.html and an online
parallel concordancer at
used by students
Thomas Schmidt used a combination of a parallel concordancing tool and a
lexicographic annotation tool for the construction of a multilingual
football dictionary (www.kicktionary.de)
The Finnish translation technology company Masterin has a bilingual term
extractor that builds a raw bilingual translation lexicon from translation
memory databases.
Grigori Sidorov has a research tool that performs lexical-based alignment
for English-Spanish parallel corpora.
CLaRK is an XML based system for corpora development with support for
document synchronization to be used to navigate through parallel corpora.
A web-based corpus interface: http://corpus.leeds.ac.uk/internet.html
(software available at http://csar.sourceforge.net/) - I'm not sure about
its support for parallel and comparable corpora ...

Well, I add from my experience some more related tools available:
various implementations of Gale&Church's sentence alignment algorithm
(e.g. http://nl.ijs.si/telri/Vanilla/),
Melameds GMA (http://nlp.cs.nyu.edu/GMA/),
Hunalign (http://mokk.bme.hu/resources/hunalign),
Champollion Tool Kit (http://champollion.sourceforge.net/)
Berger's align tool (http://www.cse.unt.edu/~rada/wa/tools/aberger/)
Moore's sentence aligner (http://research.microsoft.com/users/bobmoore/)
Twente word aligner
(http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~irgroup/align/download.html) now in the NA
Tools package (http://natura.di.uminho.pt/natura/natura?&topic=NATools)
ILink (http://www.ida.liu.se/~nlplab/ILink/),
K-vec++ (http://www.d.umn.edu/~tpederse/parallel.html)
CWB from IMS stuttgart with support for aligned corpora
Uplug (http://sourceforge.net/projects/uplug)
... there are more tools for visualization and manual alignment ...
I probably forgot a lot of links (that's why I asked on the list) - feel
free to remind me!

Some references to literature I got:
Corréard, M.-H. 2005. Bilingual Lexicography. In K. Brown (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edn., Vol. 1, (Oxford:
Elsevier), 787-796.
Krishnamurthy, R. 2005. Corpus Lexicography. In K. Brown (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edn., Vol. 3, (Oxford:
Elsevier), 250-254.
Roberts, R.P. 1996. Parallel Text Analysis and Bilingual
Lexicography. Available from http://www.dico.uottawa.ca/articles-fr.htm
I. Dan Melamed's 2001 book/dissertation "Empirical Methods for Exploiting
Parallel Texts", MIT Press. There is a lot more in his website
http://cs.nyu.edu/~melamed/ .
Dan Tufis, Ana Maria Barbu, Radu Ion, Extracting Multilingual Lexicons
from Parallel Corpora, Computers and the Humanities, Volume 38, Issue 2,
May 2004, Pages 163 ~V 189
(http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:CHUM.0000031172.03949.48) ISSB 0010-4817
Dan Tufis 'A cheap and fast way to build useful translation lexicons' in
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics, COLING2002, Taipei, 25-30 August, 2002, pp. 1030-1036, ISBN
(more papers on Dan Tufis homepage http://www.racai.ro/~tufis/)
Alexander Gelbukh and Grigori Sidorov. Alignment of Paragraphs in
Bilingual Texts using Bilingual Dictionaries and Dynamic Programming.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, N 4225, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp
two links about "bilingual terminology extraction on comparable corora":


J?rg Tiedemann
回复: [ZT] Tools for lexicographic use of parallel and comparable corpora

Thanks a lot! This is really a big dinner!