Alinea is a free aligner and parallel concordancer that has been evaluated in the last Arcade 2 campaign.
It obtained results close to the best system (aroud 98% F-measure for european language pairs) and showed that it was particularly robust even for very "distant" language pairs (French-Chinese, French-Arabic, French-Farsi, etc.).
Alinea can handle POS-tagged texts, complex expressions searching (regular expressions with tags and lemma), word-to-word aligning, and bilingual lexicon extraction.
It obtained results close to the best system (aroud 98% F-measure for european language pairs) and showed that it was particularly robust even for very "distant" language pairs (French-Chinese, French-Arabic, French-Farsi, etc.).
Alinea can handle POS-tagged texts, complex expressions searching (regular expressions with tags and lemma), word-to-word aligning, and bilingual lexicon extraction.