WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?


是做keywords,而不是key key-word,只列出全部的positive keywords,而没有negative keywords.
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

有时语料比较小,或者p值的设置都会使negative keywords 不出来。
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

刚才试了下,用bnc list作为参照,统计flob 的key words,p值设得0.000001,还是只有positive k. 会是什么问题呢
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

Negative keywords appear at the bottom of the keywors list (marked up in the brown colour). A very likely cause for not getting negative keywords is the default setting of "max. wanted", which is 500, meaning that only the top 500 keywords are given. To get negative keywords, adjust the setting by defining a very large number (e.g. 99999) for this parameter.

BTW - a Key keyword list never includes negative kwywords.
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

Save your keywords result as an Excel file and upload it here for a diagnosis.
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

换了referece list,有negative了。谢谢DR.XU
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

Negative keywords appear at the bottom of the keywors list (marked up in the brown colour). A very likely cause for not getting negative keywords is the default setting of "max. wanted", which is 500, meaning that only the top 500 keywords are given. To get negative keywords, adjust the setting by defining a very large number (e.g. 99999) for this parameter.

BTW - a Key keyword list never includes negative kwywords.

Negative keywords are listed at the bottom in red.
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

在我回复的时候没有刷新,没有看到dr.xiao, dr. xu又回复了。seems ok now. anyway i'll try what dr. xiao suggested to see if it's ok with the data i use.
thanks again!
回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

tried just now. set the threshhold from 500 to 9999, it worked. a long list of negative keywords. got a perfect solution.
touched by your experts' helpfulness!