We are shocked to hear that Professor John Sinclair has left us. Undoubtedly, the 13th of March 2007 is a saddest day to the world linguistics, Corpus Linguistics in particular. The gap left by the departure of this innovative thinker and distinguished linguist will be felt in the hearts of the researchers working along the lines he has set. In deepest sorrow, we, linguists at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, found that we cannot express with words our gratitude and respect to John.
Parsed 94 words in 4 sentences (13.73 wds/sec; 0.58 sents/sec).
We are shocked to hear that Professor John Sinclair has left us.
(NP (PRP We))
(VP (VBP are)
(ADJP (JJ shocked)
(VP (TO to)
(VP (VB hear)
(SBAR (IN that)
(NP (NNP Professor) (NNP John) (NNP Sinclair))
(VP (VBZ has)
(VP (VBN left)
(NP (PRP us)))))))))))
(. .)))
nsubj(shocked-3, We-1)
cop(shocked-3, are-2)
aux(hear-5, to-4)
xcomp(shocked-3, hear-5)
complm(left-11, that-6)
nn(Sinclair-9, Professor-7)
nn(Sinclair-9, John-8)
nsubj(left-11, Sinclair-9)
aux(left-11, has-10)
ccomp(hear-5, left-11)
dobj(left-11, us-12)
Undoubtedly, the 13th of March 2007 is a saddest day to the world linguistics, Corpus Linguistics in particular.
(ADVP (RB Undoubtedly))
(, ,)
(NP (DT the) (NN 13th))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (NNP March) (CD 2007))))
(VP (VBZ is)
(NP (DT a) (JJ saddest) (NN day))
(PP (TO to)
(NP (DT the) (NN world) (NNS linguistics))
(, ,)
(NP (NNP Corpus) (NNP Linguistics))
(PP (IN in)
(NP (NN particular))))))))
(. .)))
advmod(day-11, Undoubtedly-1)
det(13th-4, the-3)
nsubj(day-11, 13th-4)
prep_of(13th-4, March-6)
num(March-6, 2007-7)
cop(day-11, is-8)
det(day-11, a-9)
amod(day-11, saddest-10)
det(linguistics-15, the-13)
nn(linguistics-15, world-14)
prep_to(day-11, linguistics-15)
nn(Linguistics-18, Corpus-17)
appos(linguistics-15, Linguistics-18)
prep_in(Linguistics-18, particular-20)
The gap left by the departure of this innovative thinker and distinguished linguist will be felt in the hearts of the researchers working along the lines he has set.
(NP (DT The) (NN gap))
(VP (VBN left)
(PP (IN by)
(NP (DT the) (NN departure))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (DT this) (JJ innovative) (NN thinker)))))))
(CC and)
(NP (VBN distinguished) (NN linguist)))
(VP (MD will)
(VP (VB be)
(VP (VBN felt)
(PP (IN in)
(NP (DT the) (NNS hearts))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (DT the) (NNS researchers)))))
(VP (VBG working)
(PRT (RP along))
(NP (DT the) (NNS lines))
(NP (PRP he))
(VP (VBZ has)
(VP (VBN set)))))))))))
(. .)))
det(gap-2, The-1)
nsubjpass(felt-16, gap-2)
partmod(gap-2, left-3)
det(departure-6, the-5)
prep_by(left-3, departure-6)
det(thinker-10, this-8)
amod(thinker-10, innovative-9)
prep_of(departure-6, thinker-10)
amod(linguist-13, distinguished-12)
conj_and(gap-2, linguist-13)
aux(felt-16, will-14)
auxpass(felt-16, be-15)
det(hearts-19, the-18)
prep_in(felt-16, hearts-19)
det(researchers-22, the-21)
prep_of(hearts-19, researchers-22)
partmod(felt-16, working-23)
prt(working-23, along-24)
det(lines-26, the-25)
dobj(working-23, lines-26)
nsubj(set-29, he-27)
aux(set-29, has-28)
rcmod(lines-26, set-29)
In deepest sorrow, we, linguists at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, found that we cannot express with words our gratitude and respect to John.
(PP (IN In)
(NP (JJS deepest) (NN sorrow)))
(, ,)
(NP (PRP we))
(, ,)
(NP (NNS linguists))
(PP (IN at)
(NP (NNP Shanghai) (NNP Jiao) (NNP Tong) (NNP University))
(, ,)
(NP (NNP China)))))
(, ,))
(VP (VBD found)
(SBAR (IN that)
(NP (PRP we))
(VP (MD can) (RB not)
(VP (VB express)
(PP (IN with)
(NP (NNS words)))
(NP (PRP$ our) (NN gratitude)
(CC and)
(NN respect))
(PP (TO to)
(NP (NNP John)))))))))
(. .)))
amod(sorrow-3, deepest-2)
prep_in(found-16, sorrow-3)
nsubj(found-16, we-5)
appos(we-5, linguists-7)
nn(University-12, Shanghai-9)
nn(University-12, Jiao-10)
nn(University-12, Tong-11)
prep_at(linguists-7, University-12)
appos(University-12, China-14)
complm(express-21, that-17)
nsubj(express-21, we-18)
aux(express-21, can-19)
neg(express-21, not-20)
ccomp(found-16, express-21)
prep_with(express-21, words-23)
poss(gratitude-25, our-24)
dobj(express-21, gratitude-25)
conj_and(gratitude-25, respect-27)
prep_to(gratitude-25, John-29)