Milwaukee Formulaic Language Symposium


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Conference program: Symposium Program April 12.pdf

Conference handbook (with abstracts etc.): Handbook Web 1a.pdf

The linguistics community at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is planning to hold a symposium on the topic of 'formulaic language'. The symposium, which will be held on the campus of UWM in the Union Ballroom April 18-21, 2007, will be the 25th in the series of the once-annual UWM Linguistics Symposia.

By formulaic language we mean multi-word collocations which are stored and retrieved holistically rather than being generated de novo with each use. Examples of formulaic language include idioms, set expressions, rhymes, songs, prayers, and proverbs; they may also be taken to include recurrent turns of phrase within more ordinary sentence structures. These are notable in ordinary speech as well as in ritualized speech events such as sports broadcasts, weather reports, sermons, etc.
